[liberationtech] Research on ICTD in Latin America
Yosem Companys
companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Mon Nov 14 13:50:02 PST 2016
From: David Nemer <dnemer at indiana.edu>
We are conducting a research on ICTD in Latin America and we would like to
invite you to fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/
1FAIpQLScZza1QfUF237S4qWghFj-0rRGYppa9BcYdNYFiPgTjhEL1qw/viewform - if
possible, we would like to ask you to fill out the form until November 24.
This survey is about scholarly research and publishing on the topic of ICTs
for development in the Latin American context. We’re interested in your
experiences conducting and/or publishing research about ICTs and
socioeconomic development in Latin America, called ICTD in English.
Information and communication technologies for development (ICTD) refers to
the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) toward
social, economic, and political development, with a particular emphasis on
helping poor and marginalized people and communities.
If you have conducted research that meets the description of ICTD, we ask
you to complete our short survey.
The survey (will take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete) is about your
research and publishing experiences. While we do ask you to include your
name and other identifying information in response to the survey, no
identifying information will be released or published from this survey. The
survey is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Please contact David Nemer david.nemer at uky.edu or Caroline Stratton
caroline.stratton at gmail.com with any questions about the survey. We welcome
you to forward this survey to other colleagues who conduct ICTD research.
Thank you,
*David Nemer, PhD*
Assistant Professor
School of Information Science
University of Kentucky
http://dnemer.com <http://www.dnemer.com/>
Check out "Favela Digital: The other side of technology" -
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