[liberationtech] RightsCon: "Closing the Gap on Global Connectivity" Session on April 1

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 29 14:11:40 PDT 2016

From: Melanie Penagos <melanie at publicknowledge.org>

For those of you that will be attending RightsCon this week, we invite
you to join us in a civil society consultation session on "Closing the
Gap on Global Connectivity", being held on Friday, April 1 from 4:00pm
- 5:00pm PT: http://sched.co/6Mi6 The focus will be on Global Connect,
a U.S. Department of State sponsored initiative to increase worldwide
broadband connectivity. We will consult on the best strategies to move
forward the Global Connect goal of bringing 1.5 billion people online
by 2020. Questions we will explore are:

What are the best policies, narratives, and practices to reach the
2020 and 2030 goals?
What is the Global Connect Initiative and its core stepping stones?
What to ask and expect from the Multilateral Banks meeting occurring
in April in Washington, DC?
What is the role of Civil Society within this effort and how the
technical community can help address the challenges?

The session will be structured with a 30 minute presentation by a
diverse set of longtime advocates and from US government
representatives, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. One possible
goal is for RightsCon participants to ask Financial Ministers - core
actors of the April 13-14 Multilateral Banks Meeting in New York - to
commit national investments on ICT infrastructure, broadband plans,
and related.

Please RSVP here if you are able to attend:

More information on Global Connect:

Global Connect Goals are: (1) all countries integrate Internet
connectivity as a key part of their own national development
strategies; (2) international development institutions, such as
multilateral development banks and development agencies, prioritize
digital access; and (3) innovative industry-driven solutions to extend
connectivity are catalyzed and supported.


Carolina Rossini

Melanie Penagos
International Policy Associate
Public Knowledge
+1 (202) 861-0020 ext. 122 | skype: melanie.penagos | @ampenagos

Save The Date! 3D/DC 2016 is April 14 #3DDC2016

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