[liberationtech] Internet shutdowns campaign + GNN Meetup at RightsCon

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 28 18:27:44 PDT 2016

From: Deji Olukotun <deji at accessnow.org>

RightsCon Silicon Valley at https://www.rightscon.org/ is just one
week away and we're looking forward to seeing many of you there! There
will be a number of meetings, sessions, and events to attend so I'm
sure your calendar is filling up quickly.

I wanted to spotlight two events happening there. The first you may
have heard about from Josh:

1. We're pulling together a global Net Neutrality coalition lunch
meeting on Thursday, March 31, from 1:15 - 2:15pm, in the "Hub."
This is a chance for NN advocates from around the world to share notes
and strategies on advancing Net Neutrality in every region, pulling
more advocates into the coalition, and ultimately adding more
countries to this map of global Net Neutrality laws at
http://thisisnetneutrality.org/. We'll also use the time to talk about
plans for addressing zero rating, data caps, app blocking, and other
related issues.

Please RSVP josh at accessnow.org if you can make it

2. Access Now will be launching our international #KeepitOn campaign
to fight internet shutdowns on Friday, April 1 from 2:30 - 3:45pm in
the Hub. After that session at
we'll be uploading an international definition of internet shutdowns
to Wikipedia to create a baseline for global activism. If your
organization is interested in joining the fight to push back against
this increasing practice (there have been 3 major shutdowns this month
already) then please come by. Or join us to help create the definition
on Friday in the same room from 4 -5pm.

RSVP deji at accessnow.org if you can make it.

Deji Olukotun
Senior Global Advocacy Manager
Access Now | accessnow.org

tel: +1 415-935-4572 | @dejiridoo
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