[liberationtech] Last Chance - Online Certificate Course in mHealth starts next Monday (March 28th)

Nick Martin nick at techchange.org
Mon Mar 21 07:12:16 PDT 2016


In just one week the TechChange four week mHealth online certificate course

We've got a great group of participants and speakers lined up but we still
have a few more spots left. So feel free to help spread the word and
forward the course announcement to anyone you think who might be

Reminder: use the code "liberation" to get $295 course price.


*TC309: mHealth - Mobile Phones for
Public Healthhttp://techchange.org/online-courses/mhealth-mobile-phones-for-public-health/
28th-April 22nd 2016*

*Course Description*
In 2016, the number of global mobile subscriptions will reach 8.5 billion —
more than the number of people on this earth, and it took a little more
than 20 years for that to happen. Yet at the same time, health systems
around the world are struggling to:

   - Provide access to affordable healthcare for all
   - Treat infectious diseases such as Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and
   - Address crippling maternal and child mortality rates in low-income
   - Manage non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer, and
   - Tackle infrastructure and supply chain challenges in remote settings
   - Train frontline health workers to provide care to vulnerable

Increasingly, Ministries of Health, companies, NGOs, and various bilateral
and multilateral donors are looking to mobile phones as part of a solution
for responding to these challenges.

This four-week, online certificate course will focus on building mHealth
skills that revolutionize approaches to patient care and management,
point-of-care support, health education, remote monitoring, diagnostics,
supply chain management & logistics and more.

A growing number of mHealth projects have been implemented across the world
from Guatemala to Uganda, from India to Argentina – we will explore what
has worked and what could be improved with each example, and invite
participants to share their own experiences in managing ongoing projects.

*Apply Now:* *https://www.techchange.org/online-courses/mhealth-mobile-phones-for-public-health/

*Course Topics and Featured Tech*

Week 1: Introduction to Mobile Phones for Public Health
Week 2: Strengthening Health Systems
Week 3: Citizen-Centered Health
Week 4: The Future of mHealth

*Course Objectives*
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

   - critically analyze both the opportunities and the pitfalls that emerge
   when working with mobile technology to improve public health outcomes
   - connect relevant development theories to the technological strategies
   and tools discussed in the course
   - manage specific mHealth software platforms and tools
   - design dynamic and effective strategies for using tools and platforms
   to improve mHealth efforts
   - become more confident using mobile technology to address public health

*Course Methodology*

   - This course is delivered entirely online over a period of four weeks.
   - This course features several live interactive guest expert sessions
   each week with leading practitioners, software developers, academics, and
   - Every live event is recorded and archived for you to watch later.
   - This course also features a unique hands-on learning environment with
   animated videos, technology demos, practical activities, networking events,
   office hours, participant presentations, immersive simulations, and more.
   - TechChange recommends budgeting a minimum commitment of 5-7 hours per
   week and scheduling time for the course around your existing obligations.
   - Participants will have access to all course content for at least 4
   months after course completion so the material can be completed and
   revisited later.

*Course Price*

   - $295 if you use the discount code: "liberation"
   - $495 if application and payment is submitted by course start date
   - Group discount rates available. For more details, please contact us
   social at techchange.org <atsocial at techchange.org>.

*Apply Now:* *https://www.techchange.org/online-courses/mhealth-mobile-phones-for-public-health/
[image: Inline image 1]

Nick Martin

Founder & CEO, TechChange

M 240 505 2324 | www.techchange.org | @ncmart

<http://www.facebook.com/techchange>  <http://www.twitter.com/techchange>

Check out our new courses here! <http://bit.ly/1LV2bLM>
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