[liberationtech] Internet Politician Database (IPDb)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 2 06:48:29 PST 2016

From: Matias Nso <matias.nso at kuorum.org>

My name is Matías and I am founder of Kuorum. We are carrying out a
transparency project called IPDb <https://kuorum.org/editors> (Internet
Politician Database), the world's largest politician database. And we are
seeking partnerships with universities, and transparency and open data
organizations to scale the project faster. If this opportunity might be of
interest for you, don't hesitate to contact us as soon as possible and we
will give you more information.

We thank you for your time!

Yours faithfully,

[image: Kuorum.org] <http://kuorum.org/>*Matías Nso* | CEO y co-founder |
www.kuorum.org <http://kuorum.org/>
+34 651 035 718 <+34651035718> | matias.nso at kuorum.org
[image: Twitter] <https://twitter.com/kuorumorg>[image: Facebook]
<https://www.facebook.com/kuorumorg>[image: Google+]
<https://plus.google.com/+KuorumOrg>[image: LinkedIn]
<http://www.linkedin.com/company/kuorumorg>  Follow us and don't miss a
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