[liberationtech] Bringing Computers to Emerging Markets: Dinner at Stanford with Endless Mobile (3/2)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 1 20:55:35 PST 2016

From: Vicki Niu <vniu at stanford.edu>

Bringing affordable computing to emerging markets!

Nuritzi Sanchez

founding member of

 Endless Mobile

Wed. March 2| 5:00 - 6:00 PM | OU 200 | Dinner provided!

Nuritzi Sanchez (Stanford B.A. in International Relations) was a founding
member of Endless Mobile, a start-up for creating low-cost computers for
developing countries. After establishing headquarters in San Francisco and
taking on various business roles within the company, Sanchez became the
Manager of Special Projects and executes projects with a diverse team
around the globe. Endless has great potential for empowering emerging
markets. David Kelley, founder of Stanford's d.school, and Nobel Peace
Prize winner Muhammad Yunnus sit on Endless Mobile's board of advisors.
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