[liberationtech] Two open postdoc positions @ Inria on "User discrimination on the Web"

Arnaud Legout arnaud.legout at inria.fr
Thu Jul 21 07:27:12 PDT 2016


We are looking for two Postdoctoral Research Fellows to work on the 
project “User discrimination on the Web: measurement, causation and 


With the first Postdoc, we shall be investigating how machine learning 
techniques can be used to automatically identify discriminating features 
of the web user’s profile. For instance, one goal is to implement 
automatic user profiles using a deterministic or probabilistic 
generator, and automatically classify the response signal of a set of 
Web sites. We will then use crowd-sourcing measurements to collect the 
user data and build a browser extension that will be used as a prototype 
to validate the accuracy of the techniques.

With the second Postdoc, we shall be analyzing how web tracking affects 
user discrimination. For this, we will be developing solutions against 
persistent web tracking techniques, such as cookie and pixel tracking, 
cookie stealing via Javascript, and Web browser fingerprinting. We will 
then analyze how web tracking protection influences user discrimination 
by incorporating these mechanisms in the browser extension developed by 
the first Postdoc.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in internet measurement, online 
privacy, web technologies, or a related discipline, and should have 
international publications in top conferences in these fields (Usenix 
Security, ACM CCS, IEEE S&P, ACM IMC, WWW, etc.)

You will work with Nataliia Bielova and Arnaud Legout as a part of INDES 
and DIANA teams at Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France.

Don't hesitate to contact us informally to discuss this position.

Nataliia and Arnaud.

Arnaud Legout, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Inria

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