[liberationtech] New Stanford LibTech online course on technology for accountability

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jul 14 06:07:07 PDT 2016


New online course on technology for accountability
Online course on technology for accountability launches in English and Arabic

Course Link: https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/course-v1:Home+TFALab+2016/about

The Program on Liberation Technology (LibTech) at Stanford’s Center on
Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (see:
http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech) together with the National
Democratic Institute (NDI) are proud to launch a free massive open
online course dubbed "Technology for Accountability Lab.”

The course is geared for global democracy activists, software
developers and other stakeholders to conceptualize, plan and implement
technological tools and advocacy strategies to improve transparency by
opening political and governmental processes.

This 10-week course - which starts on August 9, 2016 - will feature
video lectures by Stanford professors Terry Winograd and Larry
Diamond, as well as lecturers from NDI, Transparency International,
Sunlight Foundation, Creative Commons, ProPublica, and other experts.

Course Introduction and Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFUm0-UmXz8

The course includes topics such as monitoring corruption, tracking
money in politics, and using technology to monitor election fraud. In
order to be relevant to a broad international audience, the course
draws case studies and presentations from Brazil, Czech Republic,
India, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, US, UK and other countries.

Through a grant made possible by the Steven's Initiative at the Aspen
Institute (supported by the State Department and the Bezos Family
Foundation), the course materials have been translated into Arabic.
For the first time on Stanford Online, participants will have the
option of taking the course through an Arabic platform - with
extensive language support - to facilitate the participation of youth
in the Middle East and North Africa.

Course topics will expose participants to both theoretical and
practical applications of the field, which include: monitoring
corruption at the grassroots; tracking legislators and their bills;
using technology to monitor election fraud; tracking money in
politics; and designing innovative technology tools. Participants will
also have the option to collaborate on projects to design or implement
real-world democracy tools, including advocacy materials, during the

NDI and Stanford’s CDDRL – who both have a long tradition of working
with democracy activists around the world – developed and designed the
course in response to activists’ interest in incorporating technology
into their work. The course aims to attract a unique set of global
participants with a background in accountability movements who can
learn more about the tools that can help them to enrich and magnify
their work. No previous experience or exposure to technology is

To learn more about the course and register, please visit the course
link at https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/course-v1:Home+TFALab+2016/about.
Please share this announcement widely with interested participants and
professional networks (#TFALAB).

Course Link: https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/course-v1:Home+TFALab+2016/about

Copyright © 2016 Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of
Law, All rights reserved.

The Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at
Stanford University engages in research, training, and teaching, and
organizes intellectual and policy dialogues aimed at increasing public
understanding of economic and political development. Founded in 2002,
CDDRL has collaborated with scholars, policymakers, and practitioners
around the world to advance collective knowledge about the linkages
between democracy, sustainable economic development, human rights, and
the rule of law. You are receiving this email because you subscribed
to the CDDRL Research Seminar list.

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Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305

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