[liberationtech] Spanish speaking digital security trainers: your input is needed!

Lindsey Andersen (landersen@INTERNEWS.ORG) landersen at INTERNEWS.ORG
Thu Feb 11 07:13:37 PST 2016

Hi Libtech,


The Internews LAC team is looking for Spanish-speaking digital security trainers to help us identify resources that need translation. Please help us by filling out the following survey. It should only take 5 minutes of your time.


Your comments are greatly appreciated!






Lindsey Andersen | Program Coordinator, Latin America and the Caribbean

landersen at internews.org <mailto:landersen at internews.org>  | PGP 0x2B5053B9

Mobile 1 (202) 403-9656 | Skype lta329

Address 1133 Fifteenth St, NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005

www.internews.org <http://www.internews.org/>  | @internews <http://www.twitter.com/internews>  | facebook.com/internews <http://www.facebook.com/internews> 



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