[liberationtech] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] ICCM Manila now only weeks away!

Heather Leson heatherleson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 03:29:31 PDT 2016

Dear Libtech allies,

The Crisismappers conference will be held at the end of September in
Manila. There will also be field trips to learn more about local community
mapping and development.

Details below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jen Ziemke" <jen.ziemke at gmail.com>
Date: 2 Aug 2016 18:03
Subject: [CrisisMappers] ICCM Manila now only weeks away!
To: <crisismappers at googlegroups.com>

Remember to *register for the upcoming ICCM in Manila*, which is now only
> weeks away: Sept 28-Oct 6, 2016.  Stay tuned for exciting information about
> our keynotes, that will be announced this week!
> *Register here
> <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/7th-international-conference-of-crisis-mappers-2016-building-resilience-tickets-26286341154?utm>*
> The International Conference of Crisis Mappers (ICCM) especially thanks
> this year's donors and partners, without whom the conference would
> certainly not be possible.  They are: The Rockefeller Foundation
> <https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/>, Making All Voices Count
> <http://www.makingallvoicescount.org/>, The Ayala Corporation
> <http://www.ayala.com.ph/>, Unilab <http://www.unilab.com.ph/>, the
> ICT4Peace Foundation <http://ict4peace.org/>, The American Red Cross
> <http://www.redcross.org/mo2>, The Palace Pool Club
> <http://poolclub.thepalacemanila.com/>, and John Carroll University
> <http://sites.jcu.edu/>.
> The main host for ICCM 2016 is *Map the Philippines
> <http://celinaagaton.com/map-the-philippines/>*.
> *Why Manila?*
> The response to severe challenges brought about by Super Typhoon Haiyan &
> recent crises in the Asian region demonstrate that experiences in this
> community offer much to teach on crowdsourcing, humanitarian technology,
> participatory mapping, & microtasking for crisis response. This year’s
> theme, *Building Resilience: Inclusive Innovations in Crisis Mapping*, is
> focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and will highlight how
> local populations can prepare for shocks to infrastructure and systems as
> well as the role of NGO’s, volunteers, and technical communities in
> partnering with the people from threatened areas.
> *Concept Agenda*
> Wed, Sept 28 – Evening Welcome Reception & *Tech & Analysis Fair
> <http://www.attendiccm.com/tech-analysis-fair/>*
> Thurs, Sept 29 – Day 1 – *Main Plenary*
> 8:30a: Coffee & registration
> 10a: Opening Remarks
> 10.15a: *Ignite Session I* <http://www.attendiccm.com/ignite-talks/>
> 11.15a: Philippines in Context: Historical Context to Crisis & Opportunity
> 11.30a: Keynote 1
> 12p: Lunch
> 2p: Lessons Learned from Haiyan & Beyond, Keynote 2 & 3
> 3p: Regional Context: Keynote 4 & 5
> 4p: Moderated Fireside Chat with Keynote Speakers & Interactive Q&A
> 5p: *Ignite Session II* <http://www.attendiccm.com/ignite-talks/>
> 6p: A word from our sponsors & closing plenary.
> Conference Reception and Afterhours.
> Conference MC: Sanjana Hattotuwa
> Fri, Sept 30 – Day 2 – *Self-Organized Sessions
> <http://www.attendiccm.com/self-organized-sessions/>*
> October 1 – FREE Field Visit A in Manila: Project NOAH & Disaster Agencies
> October 2 – FREE Field Visit B Outside Manila: SDG Mapping
> October 3 – 6 Paid Field Visit C – Disaster Resilience Palawan
> *FREE Field Visit A in Manila: Project NOAH*
> Project NOAH is the Department of Science and Technology's Nationwide
> Operational Assessment of Hazards and includes a tour of local disaster
> agencies. The field visit will include a tour of their facilities and
> disaster mapping labs, and participation in their various hazard mapping
> initiatives. Project NOAH's Executive Director, Alfredo M. F. A. Lagmay was
> awarded the 2015 Plinius Medal
> <http://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/plinius/2015/alfredo-mahar-lagmay/> for
> his outstanding interdisciplinary natural-hazard research and
> natural-disaster engagement in the Philippines, particularly with respect
> to volcanic hazards, earthquakes, typhoons, landslides, storm surges and
> floods. Presently there are nine(9) component projects under the NOAH
> program, namely: Hydromet Sensors Development, DREAM-LIDAR 3D Mapping,
> Flood NET – Flood Information Network, Strategic Communication
> Intervention, Disaster Management using WebGIS, Enhancing Geohazard Mapping
> through LIDAR and High-resolution Imagery, Doppler System Development,
> Landslide Sensors Development, Storm Surge Inundation Mapping, & Weather
> Information Integration for System Enhancement (WISE).
> *FREE Field Visit B Outside Manila: Sustainable Development Goals - SDG
> Mapping*:
> Meet a unique community that lives within the intersection of typhoon,
> flood, volcano, and landslide risk. Tagaytay City is located 1.5 hours from
> Manila in a fertile agriculture region known for its scenic crater lake and
> cooler climate. Mapping activities will include understanding the impact of
> disease, nutrition and disaster risk in the resilience of communities.
> *PAID Field Visit C: Disaster Resiliency Excursion to Palawan*
> Join our Palawan island expedition Tao Philippines. Palawan is a *UNESCO
> Biosphere Reserve
> <http://www.unesco.org/mabdb/br/brdir/directory/biores.asp?mode=all&code=PHI+02>*,
> home to indigenous peoples, more than a hundred marine and terrestrial
> threatened species, and located along the Typhoon Haiyan corridor.This
> expedition combines stretches of pure sailing with time for exploring the
> islands, reefs, and villages along the way. In partnership with Map the
> Philippines' food security, environment, and climate change mapping
> program, you'll learn about disaster and resilience programs in this unique
> remote community. Note: You will be given information to book with @ *Tao
> Philippines <http://taophilippines.com/sailing-tao-experience/>* directly.
> This is not a Free event.
> *Registration *
> $300 Corporate/Government
> $250 NGO
> $50 Students & Local Attendees
> *All prices are quoted in US Dollars and cover your attendance for all of
> the main conference events from September 28-30.
> We hope to see you in Manila!
> Sincerely,
> Team ICCM
> --
> CrisisMappers | The Humanitarian Technology Network
> http://www.CrisisMappers.net
> To subscribe, follow this link: https://groups.google.com/
> group/crisismappers
> To unsubscribe, please send email to crisismappers+unsubscribe@
> googlegroups.com
> Visit CrisisMappers at:
> http://groups.google.com/group/crisismappers?hl=en
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