[liberationtech] 3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017)

Dr Margarita Kefalaki_COMinG mke at coming.gr
Wed Aug 3 23:56:36 PDT 2016


Dear Colleagues, 

This call, for the  

3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management(ICCM2017), 24 -27 April 2017, Athens, Greece,

might be of interest to some members of the list or/and their friends/colleagues.

Please, feel free to disseminate it. 

Thank you!


Wish you a great time (vacations).


Dr Margarita Kefalaki
Communication Institute of Greece

URL:  <http://coming.gr/> http://coming.gr/ 
Address: Artemidos 12, Moschato, 18345
E-mail: mke at coming.gr <mailto:mke at coming.gr> 


3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017)

First Call For Papers (!)



Dear friend/ colleague,

The  <http://coming.gr> Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) invites you to submit your paper at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017),
24 -27 April 2017, Athens, Greece.

For more information, here you have the Call For Papers:  <http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/


Or/and read the information that follow :


Important deadlines

Deadline to submit abstracts: 10 October 2016 

Deadline to Register & to submit Full Papers : specified at your Acceptance Letter sent to you after submitting the Registration Form

The conference (!): 24 -27 April 2017

Call For Papers :  <http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/

Website :  <http://coming.gr/> http://coming.gr/   

For more information :  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr  

To registrate (submit an abstract): submit your abstact at  <mailto:registation at coming.gr> registation at coming.gr using the abstact template  <http://coming.gr/index.php/paper-guidelines/> http://coming.gr/index.php/paper-guidelines/ or use  <http://coming.gr/index.php/abstract-submiting-form/> http://coming.gr/index.php/abstract-submiting-form/ (using the abstact template given!).


The aim of this cross-disciplinary conference is to bring together academics, students, researchers and professionals from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds, encourage them to present their work, exchange and collaborate. Academics and professionals can participate by presenting a paper, chairing a session, organising a panel, or even by being an observer.

Conference Heads

*  <http://coming.gr/index.php/rudy-r-pugliese/> Dr Rudy R. Pugliese, Head of the Mass Communication part of the conference, Professor, School of Communication, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York
*  <http://coming.gr/index.php/christian-schnee/> Dr Christian Schnee, Head of the Political Communication & Political Marketing part of the conference , in collaboration with with *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/carolin-rekar-munro/> Dr Carolin Rekar Munro, Associate Professor of Leadership, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Canada
*  <http://coming.gr/index.php/omoregie-charles-osifo/> Dr Omoregie Charles Osifo, Head of the Management part of the conference, Assistant Professor of Public Management at the University of Vaasa Finland, in collaboration with *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/david-h-hartmann/> Dr David H. <http://coming.gr/index.php/david-h-hartmann/> Hartmann, Professor, Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Central Oklahoma, USA
*  <http://coming.gr/index.php/ane-pearman/> Dr Ané Pearman, Head of the cultural communication part ( Intercultural Communication) of the conference, Assistant Professor, Communication, Humanities Division, Tidewater Community College, USA, in collaboration with *  <http://coming.gr/index.php/catherine-herrgott/> Dr Catherine Herrgott (intangible cultural heritage), Associate researcher, Phonetics and Phonology, University of Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, and the other members of the conference  <http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/> scientific committee are waiting for your abstracts! 


You can submit your abstract (about 300 words) at  <mailto:registation at coming.gr> registation at coming.gr using the abstact template  <http://coming.gr/index.php/paper-guidelines/> http://coming.gr/index.php/paper-guidelines/ or use  <http://coming.gr/index.php/abstract-submiting-form/> http://coming.gr/index.php/abstract-submiting-form/ (using the abstact template given!)

by October 10th 2016. Decisions will be made within four (4) weeks after your submission. In case you do not receive an acknowledgement of your registration, please contact us via email at  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr

Deadline to register and to submit full papers will be specified at your acceptance letter, in case your abstract is accepted.

In case you would like to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organise a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, President of Communication Institute of Greece ( <mailto:mke at coming.gr> mke at coming.gr).

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings online with ISBN number. Selected papers will be published at the  <http://mediacritiques.net/index.php/jmc> Journal of Media Critiques [JMC] and/or the  <http://www.cambridgescholars.com/> Cambridge Scholars and/or the  <https://www2.ia-engineers.org/JMTI/index.php/jmti> Journal of Management and Training for Industries.


The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, 2 lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. In addition, a number of cultural activities are organised such as a Greek Night entertainment with dinner, an educational tour around Athens (includes the Acropolis), a social dinner, a Greek islands’ cruise and a one-day visit to Delphi. For details concerning the social program, please click at  <http://coming.gr/index.php/conference-educational-program/> Conference Social Program (http://coming.gr/index.php/conference-educational-program/ )

The conference will take place at the 5 *  <http://www.chandris.gr/metropolitanathens/default-gr.html> Metropolitan Hotel in Athens. A special price is reserved for ICCM2017 conference participants (you will get more information after your acceptance at the conference).

For more information please visit  <http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/> http://coming.gr/index.php/call-for-papers/ or send an email at  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr   


The  <http://coming.gr/> Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) was established in 2013 as an independent academic association with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers – from all over the world – can meet in Greece to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future developments in their disciplines.


Communication Institute of Greece

URL:  <http://coming.gr/> http://coming.gr/ 
Address: Artemidos 12, Moschato, 18345
E-mail:  <mailto:info at coming.gr> info at coming.gr , Tel.: +30 6989478611
          <https://www.facebook.com/groups/252564804911830/>      <https://gr.linkedin.com/pub/communication-institute-of-greece/8a/143/699>       <https://twitter.com/COMinGreece>    <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyc56NkjK4tJDGrimAOvvIg> 

FB (group):  <https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/252564804911830/> https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/252564804911830/ 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/comingasso/

LinkedIn:  <https://gr.linkedin.com/pub/communication-institute-of-greece/8a/143/699> https://gr.linkedin.com/pub/communication-institute-of-greece/8a/143/699 

Tweeter:  <https://twitter.com/COMinGreece> https://twitter.com/COMinGreece

YouTube:  <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyc56NkjK4tJDGrimAOvvIg> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyc56NkjK4tJDGrimAOvvIg  


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