[liberationtech] "Do Foundations Really Care About Outcomes and Evaluation?"

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 28 08:53:28 PDT 2015

Dear Liberation Tech Colleagues,

(Putting on my Tech Networks of Boston hat.)

Prentice Zinn of GMA Foundations recently asked Tech Networks of Boston if
we'd like this guest article for the TNB blog.  We said yes, because we
think it will add a lot of value to the conversations among grantmakers,
nonprofits, and those who provide data analysis services in this sector.

I hope that you will take a look at it:

"Do Foundations Really Care About Outcomes and Evaluation?"

Please also feel free to post your thoughts about this question in the
comments section of the blog.

Many thanks and best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn | Senior Strategist
Tech Networks of Boston
1 Wadleigh Place  | South Boston, MA  02127
Phone: 617.504.8188   | Fax: 888.527.9333
deborah at techboston.com | techboston.com
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