[liberationtech] Setting up an experimental testbed for wireless mesh network
Seamus Tuohy
s2e.lists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 11:41:37 PDT 2015
Hey Sailash,
This community (listserv) does not really have the expertiese or experience
you will need to get answers on this issue. Here are a couple communities
that I go to with OpenWRT and mesh networking questions. Try asking them,
and if you get no answers (very unlikely) send me an e-mail (you can find
my main email through my PGP fingerprint below) and I can see if I can't
point you to another channel.
IRC: (irc.freeenode.net) channels
OpenWRT Forum
Here are also some static resources that might be helpful in figuring out
what is the problem.
OpenWRT Wiki (A bounty of information)
BattleMesh Repo:
The battlemesh repo has a ton of great info in it. If you are just looking
to figure out what is wrong, then you mostly just want their test scripts.
Notes and Scripts for Small Scale Mesh Network Testing
Some notes on testing
Here is an abandoned testing project I was working on back in the day. Not
all the tests will work on batman (as I ran OLSR) but some may be useful
seamus tuohy | Sr. Technologist - Internet Initiatives
PGP: D9F9 B306 4FDF 373D 1025 4313 2CF2 3545 F2D7 DAC4
MiniLock: 2G3JmRWRYB3B7rthZqkzomcRe8GwJvPtSooA748XMsTBdf
INTERNEWS | Local Voices. Global Change.
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On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:14 AM, danimoth <danimoth at cryptolab.net> wrote:
> On 14/10/15 at 09:57am, Yosem Companys wrote:
> > From: Sailash Moirangthem <sailashm at gmail.com>
> >
> > I am a student studying Digital Communications in India. I am trying
> > to set up a wireless mesh network covering the whole campus of our
> > college.
> [cut]
> > I have been trying to run the BATMAN-ADV and 802.11s protocols in
> > these routers, but unable to do so. Once set-up, my objective is to
> > use it for video-surveillance system.
> [cut]
> Didn't know liberationtech was a help-desk (better than Google, as it
> seems) for such systems. Time to unsubscribe.
> D.N.
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations
> of list guidelines will get you moderated:
> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech.
> Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at
> companys at stanford.edu.
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