[liberationtech] Setting up an experimental testbed for wireless mesh network

danimoth danimoth at cryptolab.net
Thu Oct 15 08:14:26 PDT 2015

On 14/10/15 at 09:57am, Yosem Companys wrote:
> From: Sailash Moirangthem <sailashm at gmail.com>
> I am a student studying Digital Communications in India. I am trying
> to set up a wireless mesh network covering the whole campus of our
> college.
> I have been trying to run the BATMAN-ADV and 802.11s protocols in
> these routers, but unable to do so. Once set-up, my objective is to
> use it for video-surveillance system.

Didn't know liberationtech was a help-desk (better than Google, as it
seems) for such systems. Time to unsubscribe.


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