[liberationtech] Vietnam cyber quiz points to knowledge gaps

Gray, Michael m.gray at secdev-foundation.org
Wed Oct 14 15:15:36 PDT 2015

Lamsaodevao.com, a Vietnamese-language cyber-skills website, has released
the results
an online cyber awareness quiz. The results confirm that account theft
plagues Vietnam’s Internet, while also pointing to the digital safety
lapses that facilitate this theft.

Of 787 respondents, 86% reported some experience with or awareness of
Facebook account hacking – either they or their friends had lost accounts,
or hackers had attempted to steal their accounts. Only a small minority had
no personal experience or awareness of account hacking. For email accounts,
the results were similar – some 72% said they or their friends had been
victims of hacking.

Full story here:

*Michael L. Gray*

Program Manager

*The* *SecDev* *Foundation*
*Building a better world through open empowerment*

t: +1 (613) 883-2244

e: m.gray at secdev-foundation.org

secdev-foundation.org | salamatechsyria.org | openempowerment.org
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