[liberationtech] TT Global Media Opening @ GSU

Shawn Mathew Powers smp at gsu.edu
Tue Oct 6 10:25:28 PDT 2015

Friends and Colleagues,

Writing regarding a tenure-track, assistant or advanced assistant professor opening in Georgia State University’s Department of Communication. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, and please circulate widely. Eagerly seeking applicants from around world. To learn more about Georgia State, see this recent article in the Washington Post, “A hotbed of growth and innovation<https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2015/10/01/georgia-state-u-a-hotbed-of-growth-and-innovation/>." From the Department’s webpage<http://communication.gsu.edu/about/employment-opportunities/>:

The Department of Communication at Georgia State University in downtown Atlanta invites applications for a tenure-track assistant or advanced assistant professor of Global Media, pending budgetary approval. The appointment requires a Ph.D. and a proven record of research commensurate with doctoral program advisement. We seek candidates with active research interests in media practices, ecologies, technologies and/or governance from a global or comparative perspective. Candidates should be able to teach courses in the Journalism (undergraduate) and Media & Society (graduate) programs, as well as develop PhD seminars in his/her particular areas of expertise.

Global communication is a major area of emphasis in the Department’s doctoral program. The work of area faculty is supported by strong connections to international media and policy organizations. The candidate will be closely associated with the Center for Global Information Studies (CGIS), a recently re-launched research center dedicated to the study of the geopolitics of technology and ICT policy. CGIS receives grant support for projects on strategic communication, public diplomacy, radicalization, comparative information policies, and Internet governance.

Applications should include a cover letter and CV, examples of scholarly writing (up to three samples, at least one single authored), evidence of teaching effectiveness, and the names and contact details (email and phone number) of three references. An offer of employment is conditional upon background verification. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution and an EEO/AA employer. Women, minorities, and candidates from other traditionally under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Address applications to:
Dr. Shawn Powers, Search Chair
Department of Communication
Georgia State University
Suite 800, 25 Park Place NE
Atlanta, GA 30303


Shawn Powers, PhD
Assistant Professor, Communication
Director, Center for Global Information Studies
Georgia State University
smp at gsu.edu<mailto:smp at gsu.edu>
Author of The Real Cyber War: The Political Economy of Internet Freedom<http://www.amazon.com/Real-Cyber-War-Political-Communication/dp/025208070X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426170116&sr=8-1&keywords=real+cyber+war>

Center for Media, Data and Society
Central European University

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