[liberationtech] Help us, we are being slaughtered in silence, CYBER GENOCIDE OF TAIZ YEMEN

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joe at cdt.org
Tue Oct 6 07:49:52 PDT 2015

I'm not sure what to do.

I was going to say use two-step login to keep your account from being
hijacked, but clearly the attacks you are suffering make even two-step

I should say that some of the NGOs that you've mentioned as not
telling the truth are NGOs we work with in civil society all the time
and have very good reputations (HRW, for example). If there are people
in the field that are not trustworthy or taking bribes, there should
be a way to alert folks outside of the country, although that won't
result in change quickly..

I wish you the best...

best, Joe

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Maria Al-Masani <malmasani at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the news from home. This is real. We are too poor to hire a lobbyist
> unlike ex dictator ali saleh who stole $60 billion from Yemen and has all
> his stories promoting him and his Houthis in the press.
> This account was briefly hacked but now online finally.
> https://twitter.com/taiznewsyemen1/status/650382197854236672
> @taiznewsyemen1  Oct 3
> #Taiz is suffocated by #Houthi  #Saleh siege.
> No Water, No food, No medicine, No Cooking gas and No hospitals ..etc.
> Houthi militias are attacking civilians in Taiz
> https://twitter.com/taiznewsyemen1/status/651086300968316928
> He decided to come down from Sana'a to Taiz to visit his family in companion
> with his wife and child by his car. His feared wife was next to the victims
> in the car who was injured.
> Salim and his child were not holding guns.
> @m_alsallaly from Taiz got suspended.
> @taiznewsyemen1 briefly suspended and back
> @al_masani from Taiz is hacked and needs help
> www.thomaswictor.com was briefly hacked, suspended and back up.
> Ali Saleh is using the 60 billion he stole to try to suspend twitter
> accounts of my people being slaughtered and is kidnapping activists on the
> ground!!!
> They are doing everything they can to erase us off the face of the earth,
> with their money, their guns, twitter even. Please have mercy, please be
> kind, please help us in Taiz, Central/South Yemen.
> We are being killed by a vengeful dicator, and his Russian and Iranian
> buddies who think we should die for having asked for democracy in the Arab
> spring.
> Please help us!!!!
> One activist has been kidnapped by the dictator's militia.
> We are being erased from the face of the earth, including twitter.
> Maria Al-Masani
> --
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Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Chief Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 I ST NW STE 1100
Washington DC 20006-4011
(p) 202-407-8825
(f) 202-637-0968
joe at cdt.org
PGP: https://josephhall.org/gpg-key
fingerprint: 3CA2 8D7B 9F6D DBD3 4B10  1607 5F86 6987 40A9 A871

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