[liberationtech] Rewiring Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace

Amin Sabeti aminsabeti at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 08:07:05 PDT 2015

A few weeks ago, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
(ICHRI) published a fascinating article on personnel changes that might
impact internet policy in the country. The piece focuses on Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Khamenei’s recent announcement that authority over Internet
policy in Iran will be concentrated in the Supreme Council of Cyberspace
(SCC), a body created by the Supreme Leader back in 2012.

Iranian internet policy is an issue near and dear to Small Media’s heart,
so we decided to probe this issue a bit further. Drawing on some of our own
research into the SCC, we’ve taken a detailed look at the issues raised by
ICHRI. Based on that review, we offer the following observations.

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