[liberationtech] New Report on Ethics & Politics of Policing Net for Extremist Material
Maura Conway
maura.conway at dcu.ie
Mon Nov 23 08:38:11 PST 2015
Hi LiberationTech-ers,
The EU-funded VOX-Pol project (voxpol.eu), of which I'm Coordinator, just
released a report this morning that may be of interest; details as follows:
*Check the Web: Assessing the Ethics and Politics of Policing the Internet
for Extremist Material *
Authors: Ian Brown (OII) & Josh Cowls (MIT)
Free-to-access at http://voxpol.eu/check-the-web
For anybody who's in London on Wednesday and interested to hear more, Josh
Cowls will deliver a presentation on the report at King's (KCL). For more
info, see
[Perhaps less directly relevant, but also worth mentioning is another
report we released a couple of weeks back, co-authored by UCL colleagues
and I, re. the online behaviors of convicted UK terrorists, which is also
free-to-access at
Another report on the role of social media companies in responding to
violent online extremism, authored by Kate Coyber and colleagues at Central
European University, will appear in next months. To keep updated re. that,
follow us on Twitter at @VOX_Pol or sign-up for our email Newsletter via
our website.
*Dr. Maura Conway*
*Senior Lecturer in International Security *School of Law and Government
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
Tel. +353 1 700 6472
E-Mail. maura.conway at dcu.ie
Skype. galwaygrrl
Twitter: @galwaygrrl
Website: http://doras.dcu.ie/view/people/Conway,_Maura.html
VOX-Pol Project on Violent Online Political Extremism
Website: http://www.voxpol.eu
Twitter: @VOX_Pol
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