[liberationtech] Free or Cheap VPN for OS X?

Pranesh Prakash pranesh at cis-india.org
Wed May 27 07:46:04 PDT 2015

Julian Oliver <julian at julianoliver.com> [2015-05-05 16:49:04 +0200]:
> For all else, I run my own OpenVPN servers. Very easy to set up.

Is there any way to do this without linking the server to one's name 
(through financial records)?

I stopped using this method since while this set-up provides security, 
this would work against providing basic pseudonymity, which is something 
I desired.

~ Pranesh

Pranesh Prakash
Policy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
http://cis-india.org | tel:+91 80 40926283
sip:pranesh at ostel.co | xmpp:pranesh at cis-india.org

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