[liberationtech] Supporting Stanford Student- & Staff-Led Initiatives for Earthquake Relief in Nepal: A Digest

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri May 1 18:10:04 PDT 2015

From: Lina Vadlamani <linav16 at stanford.edu>

Thank you all for your incredible work so far. The #StanfordForNepal 
campaign is working hard to coordinate existing efforts on campus and bring 
broader awareness to these initiatives. We have included in this email a 
digest of a few student- and staff-led initiatives that have been made 
known to us. If you know of others, please email Kunal Sangani at 
ksangani at stanford.edu so we can continue to spread the word about the work 
coming from members of the Stanford community.

We are working to make the *#StanfordForNepal *Facebook page, which can be 
accessed at *bit.ly/StanfordForNepal <http://bit.ly/StanfordForNepal>*, a 
hub for students and staff to connect about their individual efforts. 

*We ask that you RSVP to the page and add the attached photo as your cover 
photo on Facebook so others will be aware of the incredible initiatives 
coming out of Stanford.*

*Stanford Sanskriti*, the lead VSO for coordinating on-campus relief 
efforts, has released a shortlist of vetted 501(c)(3) organizations we 
recommend for funds. The informational materials are attached here. Feel 
free to print these materials for publicizing at any event.

This email also contains information about:
*1. An initiative to organize and package medical supplies by MedShare.*
Contact: Jasmine Thapa, jthapa at stanford.edu

*2. Geospatial mapping to support the relief efforts*
Contact: Stace Maples, stacemaples at stanford.edu

*3. Grants made available for Nepali students by the Emergency Student Fund 
and Institute of International Education (IIE)*
Contact: Mary Louton, mlouton at stanford.edu

*4. A Supplies Drive through Jet Airlines and partners*
Contact: Richa Sharma and Purna Sherpa, richasra at gmail.com, 
americansherpa at yahoo.com

*5. An IndieGogo Campaign for Nepal Earthquake Relief: Supporting Local 
Contact: Aditya Todi (alum), Paurakh Rajbhandary: adityatodi2010 at gmail.com, 
paurakh at stanford.edu

*6. Collections at University Public Worships for next two Sundays, Space 
for Lighting Candles in Memorial Church*
Contact: Vanessa Brake, Jane Shaw: vgbrake at stanford.edu, 
janeshaw at stnaford.edu

Students involved in the #StanfordForNepal campaign will be tabling in 
White Plaza from 11 AM - 1 PM on Monday and Tuesday. Mela, Sanskriti's 
Spring festival this Sunday will also host an informational booth on relief 
efforts. We will have a moment of silence for victims of the tragedy, and a 
portion of the proceeds from the Curry Up Now food truck sales will be sent 
to relief efforts. 

Next Wednesday at 9 PM will be the campus vigil for victims of the Nepal 
earthquake in White Plaza. Please stay tuned at bit.ly/StanfordForNepal for 
more details. If you are interested in speaking about how the earthquake 
has affected you or your family and friends in Nepal, please contact Kunal 
Sangani at ksangani at stanford.edu.

Many thanks,
Sanskriti Chairs

[image: Inline image 1]

Here are the details about the above initiatives:

*1. An initiative to organize and package medical supplies by MedShare.*

We need volunteer for organizing and packaging medical supplies that will 
go to Nepal - MedShare needs your help. Saturday 9-12pm or 1-4pm, let us 
know if you are interested, or email Elysse at ETurney at medshare.org 
Address: 2937 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 USA, Tel: 510-567-7070 
- Email her in advance and confirm attendance BEFORE you show up!
Call Pritaz Karki @ 7038990478 and he can provide you whatever information 
you need, he spoke with the Executive Director of the agency personally. 
They already have supplies, need help to organize and they will SHIP to the 
victims, they need fund for shipping which they are raising funds on Major 
Fund Raising on May 4th, 2015 - at Old Old Chronicle Building at San 
Francisco at 5th and Mission, Impact Hub - at 6:30pm . But, they are also 
in talk with Red Cross to see possibilities of shipping supplies they have 
through Red Cross. 

Fill volunteer application at: http://www.medshare.org/volunteer 

If you really want to help victims of EarthQuake at Nepal and wanted to 
send relief supplies - This is your chance - Just help them organize and 
package - They will send it to Nepal



*2. Geospatial mapping to support the relief efforts*

If you want to contribute IMMEDIATELY to ongoing Humanitarian Mapping 
efforts for Nepal through Humanitarian OpenStreetMap.org 
<http://openstreetmap.org/>, please do the following:

Go through the 30 minute training on http://mapgive.state.gov to learn the 
basics of humanitarian mapping using OpenStreetMap.org 

Then go to the HOTOSM Task Manager at http://tasks.hotosm.org/ and select a 
job that you feel comfortable contributing to. Read the directions 
carefully for the job, then select one of the squares next to one that is 
marked as complete. This will allow you to pan to the completed square so 
you can see how others are digitizing the features and mimic their work.

It doesn't matter how long you work, or how many features you digitize. 
There are currently hundreds of people mapping on HOTOSM for the Nepal 
Earthquake. Every edit counts!

*3. Grants made available for Nepali students by the Emergency Student Fund 
and Institute of International Education (IIE)*

To financially assist Nepali students studying in the US nationally, the 
Institute of International Education (IIE) has announced an emergency grant 
program.  I have sent this information to TJ Fletcher in Student Services, 
as well as Nanci Howe, and the stanfordnepaligroup at lists.stanford.edu.  If 
you hear of anyone struggling financially with losses back home and are 
interested in this opportunity, please contact them to either TJ Fletcher 
in Student Services or an advisor at the ICenter.

Message from IIE:

In light of the tragic events in Nepal, the Emergency Student Fund (ESF) of 
the Institute of International Education (IIE) http://www.iie.org/Who-We-Are 
is issuing a call for nominations from United States colleges and 
universities who have Nepali students on campus with urgent financial need 
due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal.  IIE's Nepal-ESF will provide 
emergency grants of up to $2,000 each to Nepali students nominated by their 
U.S. host colleges and universities who are unable to continue or complete 
their degree program in the U.S. due to serious financial difficulties 
precipitated by the natural disaster in their home country.  Accredited U. 
S. campuses are invited to nominate up to 5% or 3 (whichever is greater) of 
the Nepali students at their institutions for whom help is needed to 
complete their studies in the United States.  International Student 
Advisers or other campus officials should complete the Nepal-ESF nomination 
form and e-mail it to ESF at iie.org  by May 15th, 2015, 5:00pm EDT.  Awards 
will be announced by May 29th. Applications directly from students will NOT 
be accepted. U.S. host campuses nominating students for Nepal-ESF awards 
are expected to provide some emergency assistance to the nominated 
students, through tuition waivers, full or partial scholarships, housing, 
stipends, loans, work study, or other forms of support.


*4. A Supplies Drive through Jet Airlines and partners*

My friend Richa Sharma is collecting help for the victims in Nepal.  Even 
if you just think of the intention of helping someone you don't know. That 
will work too.

Here are the items:



Protein Bars

Dry Fruits

Sanitary towels 

Health & hygiene items


Please pack the items in thick strong cartoon box or in suitcase/s.

Jet Airlines and their partner airlines have promised to deliver the 
supplies for free for 5 days started on April 27th, each packages should be 
not more than 50lb.and may be several packages (unlimited packages will be 
delivered if we can manage). 

Deliver Address: 

Urban Curry

523 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94133 

Attn: Richa Sharma/Purna Sherpa

Our little effort can help safe lives of earthquake victims in Nepal. If 
you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Richa at 
713.376.0459, richasra at gmail.com, or Purna Sherpa at 650.704.2005, 
americansherpa at yahoo.com.

*5. An IndieGogo Campaign for Nepal Earthquake Relief*

As you may see in our campaign (Igg.me/at/nepquake 
<http://igg.me/at/nepquake>), we are focusing on providing resources to 
local NGOs who do not have access to the same level of international 
capital that large organizations with high administrative fees do. Although 
INGOs do a great job, they often send only temporary relief fund. Local 
NGOs not only know the location better, which is crucial given the terrain 
of Nepal and the lack of proper address, but are also here for the long 
term. A key recurring theme in catastrophe management is the lack of 
resources in the local community organization. We see this in Nepal and 
want to ensure that those who know best, have the resources to do their 
best. We have already started to identify local NGOs who are working on 
women, children and sanitation issues as these are the most pressing needs 
and ones that need sustained support. Providing support to these local NGOs 
is key for us.

Our campaign page has updates on the logistical details. We are using 
Global Shapers, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, as a conduit to 
get the funds to Nepal and disburse them to local NGOs who most need it. As 
you will see on our campaign updates we have started to identify these 
local organizations and are in the process of vetting them. You can read 
more about Global Shapers at: https://www.globalshapers.org/hubs/kathmandu


*6. Collections at University Public Worships for next two Sundays, Space 
for Lighting Candles in Memorial Church*

We have arranged for special collections at University Public Worship for 
two Sunday mornings in Memorial Church. We are also planning to have a 
space in Memorial Church where people can light candles for those who have 
died in the earthquake.

More info on Stanford's University Public Worships every Sunday: 
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