[liberationtech] FSI | CDDRL | Program on Liberation Technology - Journalism from below in the Digital Age with P. Sainath

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri May 1 16:59:35 PDT 2015

Journalism from below in the Digital Age with P. Sainath

Date and Time

May 5, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


7:00 PM | Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Donald Kennedy Commons
Escondido Village
Comstock Circle, Stanford Universitysai

The People's Archive of Rural India combines text, audio, video, and
photographs to present what is both a living journal and a growing
online archive. It's a unique and ambitious movement to document the
diversity of rural India, home to 833 million people speaking 780
languages. PARI,http://www.ruralindiaonline.org/, is aimed at
recording the everyday lives of everyday people, to document the
stories from what Sainath has called the “continent within a

The site was launched in December 2014. The website is not-for-profit,
free to view and all the contributors – journalists, writers,
film-makers, editors, translators, engineers, lawyers and accountants
–  are volunteers. The website hopes to grow by public participation.

About the speaker:
Over a career spanning 34 years, Sainath has won over 40 awards for
his reporting, including the 2007 Ramon Magsaysay Award and the first
Amnesty International’s Global Human Rights Journalism Prize in 2000.
His book, Everybody Loves a Good Drought, has remained a non-fiction
bestseller for decades and was declared a Penguin Classic in 2012. He
is currently teaching two semester-long courses in the Program for
South Asian Studies at Princeton University.

More on the archive:
The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/04/india-villages-...
Al Jazeera America:
Yale Herald:  http://yaleherald.com/voices/sitting-down-with-p-sainath/

The event is organized by Asha at Stanford and a similar event will be
organized at UC Berkeley by the School of Information.

7:00 PM | Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Donald Kennedy Commons
Escondido Village
Comstock Circle, Stanford University

6:30 PM | Wednesday, May 6, 2015
210 South Hall
School of Information
UC Berkeley

Free and open to the public.


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