[liberationtech] [cfabrigade] Re: What "elections" News Challenge proposals excite you?

Jill Miller Zimon jmzimon at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 09:12:26 PDT 2015


Thanks for collating all this information! Here's a link to a submission, the Community Candidate Pipeline, by Beth Sebian and me:


We think there's a great deal that communities can do to improve the quality of the candidates who run for office by identifying what they really want in an elected and then by generating names of folks they'd love to see consider public service. We see a combo of online and offline engagement, crowdsourcing and participatory budgeting kind of sequencing to move the process along up to but not including asking individuals to run. It is about identifying the leaders among us, rather than getting so depressed about our electoral choices that we end up creating a None of the Above ballot option, as some countries and Nevada (!) have done.


From the iPad of:

Jill Miller Zimon
c 216/402-2394
h 216/831-4495

> On Mar 20, 2015, at 10:51 AM, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:
> As I cross-posted this across a number of communities with different
> interests, I thought I'd share back what people shared.
> ** NCDD-Discussion:
> Tim Bonnemann :
> I'm tracking proposals in these areas:
> *  Collaborative fact checking
> *  Civil civic discourse and bridging partisan divides
> *  Policy making and issue-based learning
> *  Community engagement capacity building and infrastructure
> Here's my growing list:
> http://www.intellitics.com/blog/2015/03/19/knight-news-challenge-entries-related-to-voter-information-and-policy-making/
> Andrew Rockway:
> Here's the Jefferson Center's:
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/up-for-debate-ohio-empowering-voters-and-media-through-civil-substantive-political-engagement-in-the-nation-s-most-contested-electoral-battleground
> The project focuses on using citizen deliberation and dialogue to help
> direct media coverage of the campaign/election.
> Angela Andrews:
> I’m new to the NCDD listserv, but since we’re highlighting News
> Challenge proposals, I wanted to bring your attention to the “Voter
> Information; The Legislative Role” proposal that was submitted by my
> colleague’s in NCSL’s Election Program.
> See the proposal here:
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/voter-information-the-legislative-role
> Tyrone Reitman:
> It was a pretty incredible outpouring of ideas today, closing in at
> almost 1000 (600 or so just today).  Here's Healthy Democracy's
> proposal to integrate online engagement with in-person deliberation
> via the Citizens' Initiative Review to inform voters about ballot
> measures.
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/closing-the-ballot-measure-information-gap-with-citizens-initiative-review-online-mobile-engagement
> ** Brigade:
> Derek Eder:
> We just proposed a Politician Reconciliation Service that will act as
> a canonical source of identifiers in order to enable others to
> research and aggregate all the data ever created about a politician.
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/politician-reconciliation-service
> Pretty excited for DataMade to partner with Sunlight Foundation & Open
> Elections on this one.
> John C. Osborn:
> Code for America submission
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/open-disclosure-california-connecting-people-to-their-local-campaign-finance-data
> ** LibertationTech:
> Joe Hall:
> (Disclosure: I'm on the board of CVF)
> This is one I hope you'll all check out (although California-centric)
> that is a collaboration between the California Voter Foundation, Pew's
> Center on the States, and Google's Voter Information Project:
> A Unified Voter Guide for California Voters, Online
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/a-unified-voter-guide-for-california-voters-online
> ** Poplus:  (join in btw: http://bit.ly/poplustech
> James McKinney:
> Awesome!
> Any other entries people are excited about? I've noticed:
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/politician-reconciliation-service
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/politifilter-understanding-what-the-world-s-politicians-are-saying-about-your-issues
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/councilmatic-versions-of-opencongress-for-city-governments
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/crowd-sourced-calendar-of-independent-election-events
> More from James:
> Just found a few others mentioning Poplus, specific components, or
> Poplus members:
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/everyvote-university-increase-voter-turnout-in-student-and-local-elections-by-leveraging-social-media
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/the-promise-fact-checker-crowd-checking-campaign-promises
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/yoquierosaber-org-http-yoquierosaber-org-online-platform-that-seeks-to-inform-voters-about-the-proposals-of-argentine-presidential-candidates-engaging-with-them-through-an-interactive-game-and-seeking-to-create-public-debate-about-the-proposals
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/virtual-electoral-observation
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/who-do-we-elect-web-platform-with-presidential-candidates-their-personal-and-professional-information-and-main-electoral-programme
> Martín Szyszlican:
> Congreso Interactivo is involved in 7 of them.
> The one I mentioned earlier and the following. Some of them are with
> Poplus partners and other don't mention Poplus explicitly but I think
> will be benefited by the growth of our ecosystem.
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/yoquierosaber-org-http-yoquierosaber-org-online-platform-that-seeks-to-inform-voters-about-the-proposals-of-argentine-presidential-candidates-engaging-with-them-through-an-interactive-game-and-seeking-to-create-public-debate-about-the-proposals
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/map-your-stake
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/citizen-springboard-the-leap-from-the-civil-to-the-political-society
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/the-promise-fact-checker-crowd-checking-campaign-promises
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/playing-musical-chairs-el-juego-de-las-bancas
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/data-based-games-to-help-with-candidate-selection
> Abrazo!
> Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy
> * Support E-Democracy. Pledge drive to raise $10,000 US:
>      http://e-democracy.org/donate?ft  - Only $890 to 2015 Goal
>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:
>> Please share some links to your proposal or to those you like most.
>> Here is one ...
>> Thanks to power of Google Docs and Skype chatter, a collaborative crew from
>> six countries worked on this (more below from Martin):
>> Who Are My Candidates?
>> http://bit.ly/6countriesnewschallenge
>> If you like the idea of leveraging the UK's http://YourNextMP.com code in
>> your city, state or nation to generate fundamental open data on candidates,
>> join the Poplus.org online group: http://bit.ly/poplusgroup
>> Also, if you really want to tune in or help now, join the UK Democracy
>> Club's online group:
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/democracy-club
>> Start coding:
>> https://github.com/mysociety/yournextmp-popit
>> Or start helping with the crowd-sourcing on UK candidates:
>> https://yournextmp.com/tasks/
>> More from Martin in Argentina below ...
>> Steven Clift
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Martín Szyszlican" <martinsz at gmail.com>
>> Date: Mar 19, 2015 1:33 PM
>> Subject: [Poplus] NewsChallenge: Who Are My Candidates? Fundamental election
>> data, and fundamentally useful voter tools, in six countries.
>> To: "poplus" <poplus at googlegroups.com>
>> Cc:
>> Today is the last day of the Knight NewsChallenge and after a great work by
>> members of the poplus federation we have published our entry, you can read
>> it fully (and applaud it if you like) here:
>> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/who-are-my-candidates-fundamental-election-data-and-fundamentally-useful-voter-tools-in-six-countries
>> I have been pushing for this for the past few months and we finally managed
>> to have a great proposal, I really hope the challenge's judges will think
>> the same.
>> The stated goal is to provide election information in six countries, and the
>> poplus-related goal is to make yournextmp a truly global tool, with a popit
>> backend and a host of popolo-based tools implemented or improved in each
>> country.
>> I mean Write-it, Cargografias, Twittelection and even add new tools by
>> making VotaInteligente (a tool from Ciudadano Inteligente in Chile) be able
>> to consume from PopIt.
>> April 13th is the day we find out weather we made it to the next round, they
>> will pick 50 projects out fo the more than 600 proposals and those will have
>> to provide a more specific budget and timeline.
>> Thanks to all.
>> --
>> Martín Szyszlican
>> Desarrollo web usable y accesible
>> martinszyszlican.com
>> --
>> Poplus.org - Get involved: http://poplus.org/get-involved
>> IRC: #poplus https://webchat.freenode.net
>> Docs: http://bit.ly/poplusdrive
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