[liberationtech] What "elections" News Challenge proposals excite you?
Steven Clift
clift at e-democracy.org
Fri Mar 20 07:51:36 PDT 2015
As I cross-posted this across a number of communities with different
interests, I thought I'd share back what people shared.
** NCDD-Discussion:
Tim Bonnemann :
I'm tracking proposals in these areas:
* Collaborative fact checking
* Civil civic discourse and bridging partisan divides
* Policy making and issue-based learning
* Community engagement capacity building and infrastructure
Here's my growing list:
Andrew Rockway:
Here's the Jefferson Center's:
The project focuses on using citizen deliberation and dialogue to help
direct media coverage of the campaign/election.
Angela Andrews:
I’m new to the NCDD listserv, but since we’re highlighting News
Challenge proposals, I wanted to bring your attention to the “Voter
Information; The Legislative Role” proposal that was submitted by my
colleague’s in NCSL’s Election Program.
See the proposal here:
Tyrone Reitman:
It was a pretty incredible outpouring of ideas today, closing in at
almost 1000 (600 or so just today). Here's Healthy Democracy's
proposal to integrate online engagement with in-person deliberation
via the Citizens' Initiative Review to inform voters about ballot
** Brigade:
Derek Eder:
We just proposed a Politician Reconciliation Service that will act as
a canonical source of identifiers in order to enable others to
research and aggregate all the data ever created about a politician.
Pretty excited for DataMade to partner with Sunlight Foundation & Open
Elections on this one.
John C. Osborn:
Code for America submission
** LibertationTech:
Joe Hall:
(Disclosure: I'm on the board of CVF)
This is one I hope you'll all check out (although California-centric)
that is a collaboration between the California Voter Foundation, Pew's
Center on the States, and Google's Voter Information Project:
A Unified Voter Guide for California Voters, Online
** Poplus: (join in btw: http://bit.ly/poplustech
James McKinney:
Any other entries people are excited about? I've noticed:
More from James:
Just found a few others mentioning Poplus, specific components, or
Poplus members:
Martín Szyszlican:
Congreso Interactivo is involved in 7 of them.
The one I mentioned earlier and the following. Some of them are with
Poplus partners and other don't mention Poplus explicitly but I think
will be benefited by the growth of our ecosystem.
Steven Clift - Executive Director, E-Democracy
* Support E-Democracy. Pledge drive to raise $10,000 US:
http://e-democracy.org/donate?ft - Only $890 to 2015 Goal
On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:
> Please share some links to your proposal or to those you like most.
> Here is one ...
> Thanks to power of Google Docs and Skype chatter, a collaborative crew from
> six countries worked on this (more below from Martin):
> Who Are My Candidates?
> http://bit.ly/6countriesnewschallenge
> If you like the idea of leveraging the UK's http://YourNextMP.com code in
> your city, state or nation to generate fundamental open data on candidates,
> join the Poplus.org online group: http://bit.ly/poplusgroup
> Also, if you really want to tune in or help now, join the UK Democracy
> Club's online group:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/democracy-club
> Start coding:
> https://github.com/mysociety/yournextmp-popit
> Or start helping with the crowd-sourcing on UK candidates:
> https://yournextmp.com/tasks/
> More from Martin in Argentina below ...
> Steven Clift
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Martín Szyszlican" <martinsz at gmail.com>
> Date: Mar 19, 2015 1:33 PM
> Subject: [Poplus] NewsChallenge: Who Are My Candidates? Fundamental election
> data, and fundamentally useful voter tools, in six countries.
> To: "poplus" <poplus at googlegroups.com>
> Cc:
> Today is the last day of the Knight NewsChallenge and after a great work by
> members of the poplus federation we have published our entry, you can read
> it fully (and applaud it if you like) here:
> https://www.newschallenge.org/challenge/elections/entries/who-are-my-candidates-fundamental-election-data-and-fundamentally-useful-voter-tools-in-six-countries
> I have been pushing for this for the past few months and we finally managed
> to have a great proposal, I really hope the challenge's judges will think
> the same.
> The stated goal is to provide election information in six countries, and the
> poplus-related goal is to make yournextmp a truly global tool, with a popit
> backend and a host of popolo-based tools implemented or improved in each
> country.
> I mean Write-it, Cargografias, Twittelection and even add new tools by
> making VotaInteligente (a tool from Ciudadano Inteligente in Chile) be able
> to consume from PopIt.
> April 13th is the day we find out weather we made it to the next round, they
> will pick 50 projects out fo the more than 600 proposals and those will have
> to provide a more specific budget and timeline.
> Thanks to all.
> --
> Martín Szyszlican
> Desarrollo web usable y accesible
> martinszyszlican.com
> --
> Poplus.org - Get involved: http://poplus.org/get-involved
> IRC: #poplus https://webchat.freenode.net
> Docs: http://bit.ly/poplusdrive
> ---
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