[liberationtech] Looking for CTO & Lead Developer for Community Organizing App

Jessica Hyejin Lee jessica.hyejin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 20:36:09 PST 2015

HandStack -- Lead Developer and CTO -- SF & LA (remote ok) -- handstack.com

Are you passionate about politics, community organizing, activism, or
connecting people?

HandStack is Meetup + Trello. We're building a new infrastructure for
people to connect and work with like-minded people nearby. Our vision is to
provide an unprecedented ability to mass-mobilize local people for events,
projects, and causes. Our primary customers are political consulting firms
& nonprofits, but we also serve grassroots organizations.

Our stack consists of Ember JS, Python, Bootstrap, Objective C, and Django
(on its way out)

You are

* passionate about the product & ambitious

* excited to work with MVC frameworks like Ember JS (OR) have experience in
native iOS or Android

* experienced in building scalable products

* like working in sprints & deploy code often

* can be remote but prefer being located on the west coast

Reach out to us at jess (at) handstack dot com. We're happy to chat!
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