[liberationtech] Call For Submissions: The Torist (a new literary journal hosted on Tor)
Robert W. Gehl
lists at robertwgehl.org
Thu Mar 5 19:00:01 PST 2015
Call for Submissions: The Torist (a new literary journal hosted on Tor)
http://thetorist.tumblr.com/ -- Clear Web Version
http://toristinkirir4xj.onion/ -- Tor Version
http://toristfgqiroaded.onion -- Globaleaks Anonymous Submission System
The Torist is a new online journal, planned for a biannual release,
which is dedicated to deepening the relationship between technology and
the humanities. In particular, we are interested in how electronic
communication intersects with communities (artistic, political, and
beyond). Working on the premise that all activism is stifled by
pervasive surveillance, the Torist is hosted both on the clearnet and as
a Tor hidden service.
In order to submit, your work need not address these ideas directly
(though that, too, is welcome); rather, we are more interested in
creating a community around and a greater awareness of technologies
designed to make excessive data-gathering impossible. In this direction,
the Torist is receiving submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry,
reviews, and artwork.
Content creators retain all rights to their work and may do with it as
they please. Everyone is free to reproduce content from this site for
any non-commercial purpose; we ask only that you credit the content
You can contact us via email or XMPP at torist at riseup.net. If you use
PGP email encryption, you can find our public key here.
Our PGP fingerprint is: 7870 8D6F 687C 82EE 9140 FBF5 2A37 AFAC 9449 E214
Our OTR fingerprint is: F617A0C4 318FAF44 565D5C7E 1F7A2897 E91DB601
Submission Guidelines:
What to Submit------------
Prose submissions should not exceed 4000 words, though there can be a
degree of flexibility, for instance if your work is exceptional or is
suitable to be serialized. Prose submissions may encompass fiction,
non-fiction, and reviews.
Non-fiction could include a broad range of material, for instance
journalism, essays and op-eds. With works of fiction, we are less
concerned about genre and more about whether the work strikes us as
insightful, exciting, forward-thinking, and enjoyable.
Reviews could deal with (but need not be limited to):
- books or other publications
- films
- music
- technologies
- websites (especially in the deep web)
- events (technology conferences, art exhibitions)
Poems should not exceed five pages in length, though there may be
exceptions made for outstanding work.
Visual artwork will be used on the cover and for illustrations
throughout the issue. Submissions can encompass most formats which can
be sent electronically including photography, graphic design, audio
recordings, video pieces, and photographs of physical works such as
paintings, drawings, and sculptures. We would also be interested in
sequential art such as comics.
How to Submit---------
We have two main ways of submitting: by email at torist at riseup.net or
through our Tor-based GlobaLeaks submissions site
http://toristfgqiroaded.onion. If you use PGP email encryption, please
make use of our public key.
We accept most file types. If we are unable to open a file, we will
contact you if possible and ask for an alternative. For written work, it
is fine either to attach the file or to put it in the body of the email.
You may publish under any name you wish, provided it’s not exceptionally
tasteless (for example containing needless slurs). If you do not provide
us with a name, we will simply publish you as Anonymous. If you have a
preference please let us know by putting it in the document containing
your work, in an email, or in the “Full description” box in the
GlobaLeaks submissions form. Providing a name is completely optional.
When to Submit----------
The deadline for the inaugural issue is June 21, 2015.
Robert W. Gehl
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