[liberationtech] Fwd: [Inclusion] Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Mon Jul 27 10:04:26 PDT 2015

From: Angela Siefer <angela at digitalinclusionalliance.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:58 AM
Subject: [Inclusion] Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide
To: inclusion at forums.e-democracy.org

*Please distribute widely.*

NDIA <http://www.digitalinclusionalliance.org/> is co-sponsoring the
international conference Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide
<http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2015/>. Our co-sponsorship involves us
providing outreach to practitioner and policymakers and myself serving on
the conference's leadership team. The PPDD organizing team is looking for
additional co-sponsors plus financial sponsors. Let me know if you are

The interdisciplinary Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD)
2015 International Conference brings together researchers, policymakers,
and practitioners to strategize actions and catalyze solutions to this
pressing societal concern. PPDD 2015 provides an extended, in-depth
opportunity to consider the current state and future possibilities for
research, policy, and practice that informs issues related to the digital
divide around the world. Further, the Conference works to identify new
areas of necessary, productive research focus to foster greater
understanding and enlighten policy and practice going forward so that all
global citizens can participate fully in the digital, networked age. As a
major outcome of PPDD 2015, we plan to produce an edited volume of the top
papers as well as special issues of journals on specific themes within the
digital divide area.

If you would like to present and discuss your work during PPDD 2015 and
have it included in the online PPDD 2015 Conference Proceedings and/or if
you would like to provide a Position Paper for inclusion in the PPDD 2015
E-Book, please see the Call for Participation (
http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2015/cfp/) for instructions on how to
submit your work for consideration.

If you would like to just attend PPDD 2015 to explore the issues and grow
your knowledge and network of connections, please know that you are very
welcome and valued in the PPDD Conference Community.



Creating Connections, Building Bridges: Advancing the

Digital Divide Research, Policy, and Practice Agenda

21-22 October 2015

Arizona State University SkySong

Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona USA


Angela Siefer
National Digital Inclusion Alliance <http://digitalinclusionalliance.org/>

Angela Siefer
About/contact Angela Siefer: http://forums.e-democracy.org/p/angelasiefer

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