[liberationtech] Research Fellowships with UNU Computing and Society

Michael Best mikeb at unu.edu
Sun Jul 26 20:04:03 PDT 2015

Research Fellowship Opportunities
Peace Tech Lab and Small Data Lab

United Nations University Institue on Computing and Society (UNU-CS)
Macau SAR, China

The United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) is a new research institute at the intersections of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and international development. UNU-CS will lead in investigating and inventing human centered ICTs and policies addressing some of the priority areas central to the United Nations.

UNU-CS is seeking to hire Research Fellows to staff two of our emerging action-oriented research labs:

• Peace Tech Lab:  ICTs for peacebuilding and to support human security, respond to crises, and mitigate human displacement.
• Small Data Lab:   Acquiring data from the crowd, creating actionable knowledge from local data, empowering the crowd with data they trust, and improving global datasets with local data.

Minimum qualifications for junior research positions: A new PhD degree, or a master’s degree with at least three years directly relevant working experience. Demonstrated research promise.

Minimum qualifications for mid-career research positions: A PhD degree, or terminal advanced degree, and at least 5 years directly relevant research work experience. Record of scholarly publications.

Desired experience and skills: Proficiency with modern computer programming environments. Skills in human computer interaction, user interfaces, data analytics, and/or data visualization, or related areas. Excellent skills in written and spoken English. Passion for the mission of the United Nations and UNU-CS. Willingness to work in a dynamic start-up environment and to help build a leading global research institute. Strong teamwork skills and a willingness to work collaboratively in an inter-disciplinary and international setting.

Remuneration for junior positions start at US$3,907 per month and for mid-career positions at US$5,641 per month. UN income is not subject to taxes in Macau. Benefits include rent-free housing in Macau. Please note that Research Fellowships are contract positions falling outside of the United Nations Common System.

Positions are generally for 12 months and renewable subject to performance and funding availability.

For more information and to apply please email cs-info at unu.edu<mailto:cs-info at unu.edu>.

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