[liberationtech] Research & evaluations re: virtual volunteering

Jayne Cravens jc at coyotecommunications.com
Tue Jan 13 11:50:08 PST 2015

List of research and evaluations regarding virtual volunteering.

Virtual volunteering is a term describing a volunteer who completes 
tasks, in whole or in part, off-site from the organization or person 
being assisted, using the Internet and a computer, tablet, smart phone 
or other Internet-connected device. Virtual volunteering is also known 
as online volunteering, digital volunteering, e-volunteering and cyber 
service, and includes microvolunteering, crowd-sourcing, telementoring, 
teletutoring, and various other online activities undertaken by 

Additions welcomed.

#tech4good #vvbook #apps4good #volunteers


The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook is OUT!
More about the book, and how to buy it
(as a paperback or as an e-book):

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

The web site - http://www.coyotecommunications.com
The email - jc at coyotecommunications.com
Me on Twitter, other social networks, & my blog:

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