[liberationtech] The Reading Room hidden service

Crypto crypto at jpunix.net
Sun Feb 8 08:48:24 PST 2015

Hello Everyone!

      About once a week I go in search of TOR hidden services that may be 
of interest to me. I found one this morning that I think is really 
great! I purchased a Ebook reader a couple of weeks ago and have been 
looking for sites to download books on the cheap (free). I found The 
Reading Room this morning at http://do2j6w3zf2esv4ko.onion/_catalog/ I 
don't usually promote ANY website but I think whoever did this site 
deserves a pat on the back (or a donation). I downloaded several Ebooks 
with no problems.

      Pardon my posting this if you are offended but I'm SO happy to find 
a website that will help feed my Ebook addiction!

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