[liberationtech] YCIG WSIS+10 youth statement

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito ekenyanito at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 07:45:18 PST 2015

Dear friends,

We, the Youth Coalition for Internet Governance (YCIG), are eager to
disseminate a global statement that was drafted by the youth contingent of
the U.N. Internet Governance Forum (IGF) about the World Summit for the
Information Society 10-year review (WSIS+10) and the High Level Meeting of
the General Assembly on 15-16 December 2015.

Please find the statement attached. The statement can also be found online

Please let us know if you have any questions, feedback, or would like to
contribute new ideas to any of the work of the Youth Coalition on Internet


Michael Oghia, Sonia Herring, and Ephraim Kenyanito
Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (www.ycig.org

Dynamic Coalition of the U.N. IGF (www.intgovforum.org)


Best Regards,
*Ephraim Percy Kenyanito*
Website: http://about.me/ekenyanito
Twitter: @ekenyanito
​Blog: https://thediaryofaglobalcitizen.wordpress.com/
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