[liberationtech] RightsCon Silicon Valley: Extended submission deadline fast approaching
Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
ekenyanito at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 07:38:11 PST 2015
Dear All,
Apologies for cross posting (incase you have seen this message somewhere
We wanted to share an important update for RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016
<https://www.rightscon.org/> (Wednesday March 30- Friday April 1, 2016). We
received lots of requests for it, so we’re happy to announce that we
have extended
the program session submission deadline until Monday, December 14, 2015!
Confirmed Speaker Highlights (To Date)
David Kaye <http://www.law.uci.edu/faculty/full-time/kaye/>, UN Special
Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
Nicole Wong
Former US Deputy CTO, Legal Director for Products @Twitter, VP & Deputy GC
for Google
Salil Shetty <https://twitter.com/SalilShetty>, Secretary General of
Amnesty International, and former Director of the United Nations Millennium
Bruce Schneier
Internationally renowned security technologist, cryptographer, privacy
specialist, and author of 13 books
Eileen Donahoe <https://www.hrw.org/about/people/eileen-donahoe>,
Director of Global Affairs at Human Rights Watch, former U.S. Ambassador to
the United Nations
Matthew Prince
Co-Founder and CEO of CloudFlare, a website performance and security
service that processes more than 5% of global web requests
Judith Lichtenberg
Executive Director at Global Network Initiative, previously Head of
Regulatory Affairs & Digital Rights at Vodafone Netherlands
Ron Deibert
Director of the Citizen Lab, renowned author (including Access
Controlled), and founder of Psiphon, one of the world’s leading digital
censorship circumvention services
Stephen Lowe
Head of Business and Human Rights/Freedom of Expression Team, Human Rights
and Democracy Department, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ejim Dike
Executive Director of the US Human Rights Network, and former Director of
the Human Rights Project at the Urban Justice Center.
Dan Bross <https://twitter.com/danbross>, Senior Director of Corporate
Citizenship at Microsoft
Joe Cannataci
<http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Privacy/SR/Pages/JoeCannataci.aspx>, UN
Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Cindy Cohn <https://www.eff.org/about/staff/cindy-cohn>, Executive
Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Chris Riley <https://twitter.com/mchrisriley>, Head of Public Policy,
Paul Nemitz <https://twitter.com/PaulNemitz>, Director for Fundamental
Rights and Union Citizenship, European Commission.
Esra'a Al Shafei, <https://twitter.com/ealshafei> Founder and director
of Mideast Youth, a network of online platforms marginalized voices
throughout the Middle East and North Africa, Bahrain
Yasmin Green <https://twitter.com/yasmind?lang=en>, Head of Research and
Development for Google Ideas
Jillian York <https://www.eff.org/about/staff/jillian-york>, Director
for International Freedom of Expression Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Barton Gellman <https://www.bartongellman.com/>, Journalist, bestselling
author, and Pulitzer Prize-winner on the global surveillance disclosure
Morgan Marquis-Boire <https://citizenlab.org/author/mmboire/>, Director
of Security for First Look Media, contributing writer for The Intercept,
and Senior Researcher and Technical Advisor at the Citizen Lab
Walid Al-Saqaf
Board Trustee for the Internet Society (ISOC)
Lisl Brunner <https://twitter.com/brunnla>, Facilitator for the
Telecommunications Industry Dialogue at The Global Network Initiative
Chinmayi Arun <https://twitter.com/chinmayiarun?lang=en>, Research
Director of Centre for Communication Governance, National Law University,
Kenneth Carter <https://twitter.com/carterkr>, Counsel at CloudFlare, a
website performance and security service that processes more than 5% of
global web requests
Rebecca MacKinnon <https://twitter.com/rmack>, Author of Consent of the
Networked, Co-founder of Ranking Digital Rights, GNI and Global Voices
Esther Dyson <https://twitter.com/edyson>, Entrepreneur, angel investor,
and Principal of EDventure Holdings
Ronaldo Lemos <https://twitter.com/lemos_ronaldo>, founder of the Center
for Technology & Society at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School
Christian Dawson <https://twitter.com/mrcjdawson>, Chairman and
co-founder of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition)
Nicole Karlebach
Senior Legal Counsel, Business & Human Rights at Yahoo
Kevin Bankston
Director of the Open Technology Institute (OTI) at New America
Andrew Puddephat, <https://twitter.com/AndrewPuddephat> Director, Global
Partners and Associates
Katie Shay <https://twitter.com/km_shay>, Legal Counsel, Business &
Human Rights at Yahoo
Brett Solomon <https://twitter.com/solomonbrett>, Executive Director and
Co-founder, Access Now
Elinor Buxton, Senior Cyber Research Analyst at Foreign and
Commonwealth Office, UK Government
Eve Chaurand <https://twitter.com/evecandf>, General Counsel,
Change.org, an online petition tool with over 100 million users
Wesley Diphoko <https://twitter.com/wesleydiphoko>, Founder of
KayalabsOnline, an ICT4Development NGO based in South Africa
Ben Rowswell
Canada’s Ambassador to Venezuela, former chargé d’affaires in Baghdad/
deputy head of mission in Kabul, Afghanistan
Andrew McLaughlin <https://twitter.com/McAndrew>,
entrepreneur-in-residence at betaworks, former Deputy CTO at the White
House, and former Director of Global Public Policy at Google.
David Pashman <https://twitter.com/davidpashman>, General Counsel at
Meetup, co-chair of policy committee of NY Tech Meetup.
Keith Winstein <http://cs.stanford.edu/~keithw/>, Stanford Secure
Internet of Things Project
Jochai Ben-Avie
<https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/author/jbenaviemozilla-com/>, Senior
Global Policy Manager at Mozilla, former Policy Director at Access Now
If you have any questions please feel free to ask Access Now's Rightscon
Coordinator Nick ( conference at accessnow.org.) or if you prefer to email me
on (ephraim at accessnow.org)
Best Regards,
*Ephraim Percy Kenyanito*
Website: http://about.me/ekenyanito
Twitter: @ekenyanito
Blog: https://thediaryofaglobalcitizen.wordpress.com/
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Dear friends,
As someone who has participated in RightsCon
the past, we wanted to provide you with the opportunity to help shape
agenda of the world's leading conference on the future of the internet.
*Due to popular demand, we've extended our program session submission
deadline to Monday, December 14th.* That means now is your time to act
quickly and help shape the agenda at RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016.
You can submit
your program session or Demo Room proposal
and find our special ticket discount policy
session organizers and speakers, on our website.
*Who you're joining: RightsCon speakers to date*
RightsCon 2016 is shaping up to be better than ever, with some of the
world's leading experts on technology and human rights confirmed to speak -
including *Bruce Schneier* (renowned security expert), *Nicole Wong* (former
US Deputy CTO), *Salil Shetty* (Secretary General of Amnesty
International), *Mathew Prince* (Co-Founder and CEO of CloudFlare), and
many more. See here for our complete confirmed speakers list to date!
*For more information on tickets, registration, and more*
Visit our ticket and event info page
find more information about our official venue, or contact me at
nickd at accessnow.org with any questions you may have.
Looking forward to seeing how your submissions will help shape the
RightsCon program!
Best wishes,
Nick Dagostino,
RightsCon Coordinator
P.S. The event will take place again in San Francisco (Wednesday, March 30
- Friday, April 1). Be sure to meet Monday’s deadline and don’t forget to
grab your early bird tickets here
*2016 Sponsors to date below:*
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*Our mailing address is:*
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