[liberationtech] #StanfordForNepal Campaign: Stanford's Support for Relief Efforts in Nepal

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Apr 30 04:45:04 PDT 2015

From: Sanskriti Chair Kunal Sangani at ksangani at stanford.edu 

As you may know, this past Saturday, Nepal experienced a magnitude 7.8 
earthquake. The earthquake and its several aftershocks have sent the death 
toll in Nepal above 5,000 and left many more thousands homeless and in need 
of medical attention. In the wake of this tragedy, the international 
community has focused its attention on delivering medical supplies, 
on-the-ground help, and other forms of aid and relief to disaster-torn 

Over the past few days, Sanskriti has been working hard to coordinate and 
consolidate on-campus efforts to support the ongoing relief efforts in 
Nepal. Our thoughts and prayers are with the nation. In the coming days, we 
are launching the #StanfordForNepal campaign to increase awareness on 
campus, honor victims of the earthquake, and to give members of the 
Stanford community a platform to share their efforts and donate funds to 
organizations working in Nepal.

As we work to launch this campaign, we hope to have your support. *If you 
would like to be involved in any capacity, please fill out the following 
form <http://goo.gl/forms/WBgrz83Dg9>. *You can also contact Sanskriti 
Chair Kunal Sangani at ksangani at stanford.edu with any questions. 

*We are also hoping to highlight any individual student, staff, and alumni 
efforts through our campaign so that these may gain more attention from 
members of the Stanford community. Please contact us if you are involved 
with or know of any such effort.*

Please stay tuned as we continue to organize our campus response to the 
disaster. Thank you, as always, for your incredible support and help.

Sanskriti Core

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