[liberationtech] FW: [TIER] 2015 Summer Intern Positions - Inveneo

Melody Clark melclark at uw.edu
Wed Apr 22 12:57:42 PDT 2015

Just passing along…

Melody Clark
Communications Specialist
Technology & Social Change (TASCHA)
melclark at uw.edu<mailto:melclark at uw.edu> | 206.303.7910
Twitter: @taschagroup<https://twitter.com/taschagroup> | @melodyrclark<https://twitter.com/#!/melodyrclark>

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From: Bruce Baikie <bruce at green-wifi.org<mailto:bruce at green-wifi.org>>
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Subject: [TIER] 2015 Summer Intern Positions - Inveneo
To: "tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu<mailto:tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu>" <tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu<mailto:tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu>>


Inveneo is accepting applications for four (4) summer internship positions to assist in research, program management, engineering, and ICT4D development.

Deadline May, 25th, 2015

This internship program is an international development initiative, with the objective of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to foster education, social integration, and economic growth. The principal development impacts are anticipated to be:

1) Empowerment of the rural poor, women, and youth through increased and affordable access to information and communication tools,

2) More effective and citizen/student centered education programs,

3) Developed leadership and skills in ICT,

4) Employment creation within the ICT industry, ICT-enabled services development, and enhanced competitiveness of user industries and services.

It is the second year of Inveneo’s Internship program focused on ICT and the emerging regions of the world. Inveneo is unique in its scope and approach to connecting those who need it most, with ICT4D work carried out in over 30 countries including in Oceania, Haiti, and across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Internship Description

The 2015 Summer Inveneo Internship will cover four initiatives:

1) To research region-specific educational content for education and climate change-focused projects (Research)

2) To provide organizational and administrative support to existing Inveneo programs and projects (IT)

3) To support and review qualified micro-data center challenge submissions for technical feasibility (Engineering)

4) To develop new M&E approach for existing Inveneo projects (ICT4D)

These positions will require the interns to be self-driven, with the ability to work independently. Interns will be required to gather, analyze, and transform data into informational reports with specific findings and recommendations.

The position will be based in Inveneo’s San Francisco, CA offices. Inveneo is open to accepting part-time and full-time interns for the summer.

·         A strong academic record
·         Prior experience working with qualitative and quantitative data
·         Proven ability in research and analytical skills
·         Strong oral and written communication skills in English and/or French
·         Exceptional organizational and administrative capabilities
·         Ability to work effectively independently and within a team environment
·         Excellent interpersonal skills and a demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment

Application Details

To apply for this Internship, please send a 2 page writing sample of original research work, cover letter, and resume/CV to Inveneo’s Media Manager Jana Melpolder<mailto:jmelpolder at inveneo.org>, and include “Summer Internship” in the subject line.

Selected candidates will be contacted by email to schedule a phone interview.

Deadline for applications is May 25, 2015.

TIER mailing list
Website: http://tier.cs.berkeley.edu
TIER at tier.cs.berkeley.edu<mailto:TIER at tier.cs.berkeley.edu>

Melody Clark
mobile: 206.303.7910
personal email: melody.r.clark at gmail.com<mailto:melody.r.clark at gmail.com>
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