[liberationtech] Encouraging Collective Intelligence for the Common Good: How Do We Integrate the Disparate Pieces?
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Wed Apr 22 00:53:35 PDT 2015
Encouraging Collective Intelligence for the Common Good:
How Do We Integrate the Disparate Pieces?
Are you interested in new approaches for promoting the common good?
Join us at our workshop!
7th international Communities and Technologies (C&T) Conference
Limerick, Ireland
June 28, 2015
More information: http://ci4cg.org/C&T2015Workshop/
------ IMPORTANT DATES ------
May 1, 2015 Workshop submissions due
May 15, 2015 Feedback to authors
June 17, 2015 Camera-ready papers due
June 28, 2015 Workshop at C&T 2015
------ ABOUT THE WORKSHOP ------
We define CI4CG as a distinctive type of collective intelligence,
which emerges in civic contexts; it is aimed at generating societal
good; improving civic engagement; enabling democratic decision
making and deliberation; and producing, collectively built and
owned, transformative solutions to complex societal challenges.
In this workshop we will survey a variety of online tools and discuss
what aspects of CI4CG they are intended to address and how they
would be used by communities. We will consider how the developers
could collaborate in the future and what future work, including
collaborating with people outside of academia, will be needed. We
are also interested in relevant methodologies, frameworks, approaches
and non-technological complements to the technological side the
workshop focuses on. An important part of the work will be identifying
possible approaches towards integrating the tools technologically
and socially. We will try to identify frameworks and mechanisms
that various systems could leverage.
The main output of the workshop will be a short report (white paper)
that incorporates the general threads of the workshop into a document.
This will be circulated for additional comments within several
community and research networks including ones with which the
organizers are linked. We also do want to keep the possibility of
a special issue or book on the table and ideally an opportunity
will be announced at the workshop.
For this workshop we focus on socio-technological systems that aim
at supporting the very social process of appropriation, understanding
and application from a community of new technological platforms for
the common good. These include (but are not limited to) systems
* e-participation and e-democracy;
* dialogue and argumentation in open communities;
* participatory budgeting and participatory democracy;
* large scale collective deliberation and decision making;
* early warning, collective awareness, planning;
* crowd voting, polling, petition and prediction markets;
* crowdsourcing and crowdfunding;
* argument mapping, knowledge mapping and collective
* open source software and open data;
* citizens’ observatories and collaboratories
The proposers of this workshop have also co-founded a community /
network devoted to this theme. These approaches may turn out to be
particularly fortuitous since, in addition to timeless problems
such as inequality and oppression, many of the new problems that
the citizens of the world now face (climate change, for example)
offer unprecedented challenges, and the creativity, dedication,
values, and other resources that communities could potentially
contribute are likely to be needed.
We encourage people who are interested in Collective Intelligence
for the Common Good to join our mailing list:
Interested candidates are asked to submit a position paper (min. 2
pages, max. 4 pages in the ACM format) about your project/research
and its relevance to the workshop themes. Position papers will be
published online in Workshop Proceedings available from the workshop
website. Please submit to: douglas at publicsphereproject.org
We envision a maximum of 20 participants for this workshop. This
would allow a good diversity of viewpoints and experiences while
still allowing participation among all participants. Potential
attendees should submit a short position paper that includes the
author's interest and experience in the topic, if there is a system
to demonstrate (or other information to present) and whether there
is interest in possible publications beyond the conference. Please
also discuss relevant frameworks or other models that might be
useful for characterizing the nature of this work including
descriptors, dimensions, and process models. And, finally, while
we expect an overall high level of interest and experience we are
open to attendees with less extensive experience that have enthusiasm
and interest.
------ CONTRIBUTIONS ------
The following topics are welcome insofar as they are relevant to
the main goals and theme of the workshop:
* Theory of collective intelligence for the common good
* Historic, current, and future contexts for collective intelligence
for the common good
* Recognizing and characterizing examples of collective intelligence
for the common good
* Socio-technological systems and other social approaches (which
could focus on face-to-face venues) that promote collective
intelligence for the common good, including its significance and
the real world problems or challenges they address — and how
they do that
* Obstacles or challenges to collective intelligence for the common
* Linking and integrating diverse aspects of collective intelligence
such as sensing, deliberation, memory, focus, etc.
* Methodological approaches to collective intelligence for the common
* Integrating disparate perspectives, disciplines, and attitudes
relate to collective intelligence for the common good
* Stakeholders — including“ordinary” people and citizens with or
without legal rights — and their roles in design, development, and
use of approaches to collective intelligence for the common good
* Future directions for collective intelligence for the common good
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org <mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
Twitter: @doug_schuler
Public Sphere Project
http://www.publicsphereproject.org/ <http://www.publicsphereproject.org/>
Mailing list ~ Collective Intelligence for the Common Good
Creating the World Citizen Parliament
http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/may-june-2013/creating-the-world-citizen-parliament <http://interactions.acm.org/archive/view/may-june-2013/creating-the-world-citizen-parliament>
Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (project)
http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns/lv <http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns/>
Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)
http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11601 <http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11601>
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