[liberationtech] post-doc position in Media Governance at the University of Vienna

Katharine Sarikakis katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at
Sun Apr 12 14:16:02 PDT 2015

> The Department of Communication at the University of Vienna is one of the world’s largest departments for communication science. Set up during the 1940s, the Department now has almost 4,000 students, more than 60 employees and more than 120 teaching staff. For more information please visit: http://publizistik.univie.ac.at/en/
> In the department’s Media Governance, Media Industries and Media Organisation Research Group (chair: Professor Katharine Sarikakis), there is a post doc position to be filled.
>  Nature of post: 40 hours/week
> Fixed Term: 6 years
> Areas of work:
> The position involves research, teaching and administrative work. As part of their research, the successful candidate is expected to publish and present research work at an international level and to participate in acquiring external funding. The preparation of a post-doctoral thesis (habilitation) is encouraged. Teaching at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and the supervision of students is done independently; teaching load is in accordance with the collective agreement. In addition, candidates are expected to perform administrative duties and to participate in evaluation activities and quality assurance processes. This position will be associated with the professorship for Media Governance Media Industries Media Organisation (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharine Sarikakis) (Homepage: http://mediagovernance.univie.ac.at)
> Profile:
> -PhD/doctorate in Communication or related discipline with a focus on one or more of the following: communication governance, media policy, regulation, legal dimensions of intellectual property/copyright, creative industries, public service media, privacy, digitalization, social media, political economy of communication, global media
> -Track record of international publications, presentations and scholarly activity
> -Competencies in qualitative and/or quantitative research methods and epistemology
> -Teaching experience at university-level
> -Ability to work in a team, flexibility and commitment
> -Knowledge of university structures and processes and experience in managing research projects
> You will be expected to proactively propose and be involved in the design of new research projects, undertake coordination and mentoring tasks in relation to doctoral assistants and be actively involved in the maintenance and development of the research group’s activities, including communication, web presence and team projects.
> Please send to jobcenter at univie.ac.at
> a detailed CV with a list of publications, highlighting the five most important publications/presentations
> b. a motivation letter
> c. a research plan proposal
> d. names of three referees
> Job Ref 5678
> *deadline April 21*
> For more information about the university of Vienna please visit www.univie.ac.at
> For more information about the Media Governance Research Group please visit http://mediagovernance.univie.ac.at 
> https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibung/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow?_flowExecutionKey=_c40F7F712-52E6-DD91-00D5-9DEE4B156690_kAEB8D40C-4809-15D4-BD8F-A1C959B15D99
> Prof. Dr. Katharine Sarikakis
> Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
> Universität Wien 
> Währinger Strasse 29
> A-1090 Wien
> Tel.: +43 1 4277 49394
> Dienstmobil: -+43 664 60277 49394
> Fax: +43 1 4277 49316
> E-mail: katharine.sarikakis at univie.ac.at
> http://publizistik.univie.ac.at
> http://www.sarikakis.info

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