[liberationtech] Kickstarter Cancels Anonabox Funding Campaign - Slashdot

Nate Cardozo nate at eff.org
Sat Oct 18 02:31:25 PDT 2014

> On Oct 18, 2014, at 9:12 AM, Nate Cardozo <nate at eff.org> wrote:
>> On 10/18/14 9:04 AM, Yosem Companys wrote:
>> From Slashdot:
>> "On Friday, the controversy surrounding Anonabox reached its zenith
>> with Kickstarter officially canceling the project's funding campaign.
>> Anonabox began with a modest goal of $7,500, but quickly reached its
>> goal 82 times over. Then funders and interested parties began to
>> scrutinize the project's claims, and that's when the project ran into
>> trouble. From hardware that wasn't actually custom-made to software
>> that didn't actually fulfill promises of privacy-focused routing on
>> the internet, the facts regarding Anonabox proved that it was in
>> blatant violation of Kickstarter's rules against false advertising.
>> This project clearly failed, but if the support it initially garnered
>> is any indication, the public is hungry for easy-to-use technology
>> that encrypts and anonymizes all personal internet traffic."
>> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/10/17/2136212/kickstarter-cancels-anonabox-funding-campaign
> As of now, the campaign is only suspended not cancelled, which means as
> soon as Germar satisfies Kickstarter's concerns, it can go back live.
> This thing ain't over...

According to Ars, I'm wrong:

David Gallagher, a Kickstarter spokesman, declined to explain precisely why Anonabox’s fundraiser was pulled, citing company policy. He did, however, provide a link as to possible explanations for such a suspension.

“Project suspensions are permanent,” he said. “It's important to note that on Kickstarter, backers aren't charged and no money changes hands until a project's funding period ends, and then only if it has reached its goal. We work hard to safeguard the long-term health and integrity of the Kickstarter system.”

> -- 
> Nate Cardozo
> Staff Attorney
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
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