[liberationtech] Kickstarter Cancels Anonabox Funding Campaign - Slashdot
Nate Cardozo
nate at eff.org
Fri Oct 17 18:12:16 PDT 2014
On 10/18/14 9:04 AM, Yosem Companys wrote:
> From Slashdot:
> "On Friday, the controversy surrounding Anonabox reached its zenith
> with Kickstarter officially canceling the project's funding campaign.
> Anonabox began with a modest goal of $7,500, but quickly reached its
> goal 82 times over. Then funders and interested parties began to
> scrutinize the project's claims, and that's when the project ran into
> trouble. From hardware that wasn't actually custom-made to software
> that didn't actually fulfill promises of privacy-focused routing on
> the internet, the facts regarding Anonabox proved that it was in
> blatant violation of Kickstarter's rules against false advertising.
> This project clearly failed, but if the support it initially garnered
> is any indication, the public is hungry for easy-to-use technology
> that encrypts and anonymizes all personal internet traffic."
> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/10/17/2136212/kickstarter-cancels-anonabox-funding-campaign
As of now, the campaign is only suspended not cancelled, which means as
soon as Germar satisfies Kickstarter's concerns, it can go back live.
This thing ain't over...
Nate Cardozo
Staff Attorney
Electronic Frontier Foundation
815 Eddy Street
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