[liberationtech] Fwd: Interested in health and human rights? Join END7 at Stanford! [Template]

Lauren Wedekind lwedekind at stanford.edu
Tue Oct 7 00:16:31 PDT 2014

------------------------------*Please forward widely*

*Join the END7 at Stanford Fall Info Session: A global grassroots
initiative to end 7 “Neglected Tropical Diseases” of poverty *

*​​NEXT Monday, 10/13, 7:30-8:30 PM*
*Old Union 215 (2nd Floor)*

Learn how interdisciplinary Stanford undergrad and grad students like you
can directly contribute on campus to the END7 movement against Neglected
Tropical Diseases.  We are currently recruiting for student leaders to
execute local fundraising and advocacy campaign, and help coordinate
seminar series set to air in the next three quarters.  *Join us next Monday
to learn how you can be a part of END7!*

*​​FB event​​:* click here
*​​Please RSVP ​& S​ubscribe*
*​​ to [end7_stanford] list:* click here <http://goo.gl/forms/fIlvYIZxsw>
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