[liberationtech] TrueCrypt Alternatives?

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Thu Oct 2 13:51:58 PDT 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 2014.10.02 21.37, Greg wrote:
> Have you read everything in the reddit r/security link I sent you?

Of course not.  It turns out I have other things to do than read
voluminous ramblings by folks on Reddit who don't actually do field
work.  I'll add it to my queue for when I've got a slow Sunday.

> You have two possible defensible stances based on everything you 
> have said so far:
> 1. Activists shouldn't encrypt any data whatsoever.

> 2. Activists should use Espionage-style PD if they are going to 
> choose to use encryption.

You have failed to demonstrate this in any way, other than by brute
force assertion, appear to have no field experience, and frankly, it's
not clear if you ever even had a real security audit or cryptographic
review.  Brute assertion for commercial products, in particular, tends
to be indicative of a failure to understand real-world deployment
constraints.  As does naming something "Espionage", but that's largely

I'm going to stop responding to this thread from this point on,
because it's clear to me that no further useful discussion will occur

Everyone else, hopefully this exchange has been educational as far as
the kinds of testing we should be seeing tools go through.


- -- 
Ideas are my favorite toys.


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