[liberationtech] Safer Anonymous Operating System Guide
tempest at bitmessage.ch
Fri Mar 28 12:04:12 PDT 2014
version 0.6.2 of the "Beginner Friendly Comprehensive Guide to
Installing and Using a Safer Anonymous Operating System" is now online.
the guide covers the following:
- installing debian on a luks encrypted usb drive, or on a luks
encrypted hd partition to be unlocked with a usb boot key.
- installing virtualbox and whonix
- installing, configuring and using tor browser, keepassx, xchat,
pidgin+otr and icedove+torbirdy+enigmail.
in order to meet the goal of making this information easy to follow by
novice users, a screen shot has been provided for almost every step.
a user editable wiki is available at the following urls:
a static uneditable version is available at
pdf versions are also available on each of the pages.
feedback and contributions welcome.
gpg key - 0x2A49578A7291BB34
fingerprint - 63C4 E106 AC6A 5F2F DDB2 3840 2A49 578A 7291 BB34
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