[liberationtech] if you are a circuvmention tool developer, please FREE it now for Iranian

Cypher cypher at cpunk.us
Sun Mar 16 00:27:27 PDT 2014

On Mar 15, 2014, at 22:49, Griffin Boyce <griffin at cryptolab.net> wrote:

> Just a couple of things:
>   -- Any project which is not transparent about its funding or  
> operations should never be trusted.  I personally would classify  
> paid software in this.  VPN is a bit different, but these vary  
> widely and there is not one paid service that I'd recommend.   
> Setting up your own VPN for yourself only is a far better option.

I've heard this statement before and I'm a bit unclear. If I want to  
hide my traffic from my ISP or get it securely out of my country, I  
either have to rent a VPS or place a server with a friend somewhere  
remote. Both of those options remove the server from your control. How  
is this any safer from buying VPN service from a company? What step am  
I missing?

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