[liberationtech] if you are a circuvmention tool developer, please FREE it now for Iranian

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Sat Mar 15 20:49:30 PDT 2014

Just a couple of things:

  -- Any project which is not transparent about its funding or
operations should never be trusted.  I personally would classify paid
software in this.  VPN is a bit different, but these vary widely and
there is not one paid service that I'd recommend.  Setting up your own
VPN for yourself only is a far better option.

  -- Anything that says "Iran version is free and it works only if you
are in Iran." should be viewed with skepticism.

  -- Tor currently works in Iran with either unblocked bridges or
flashproxy.  (flash proxy requires either the pluggable transports TBB
or TBB beta 2.6+).

  -- You're right that more circumvention projects should open their
source and make it free.  The idea of advertising to censored people has
always rubbed me the wrong way.  These companies are basically making
money off of desperate people =/

  -- Some US-based organizations block Iran IPs due to a
misunderstanding of UN export controls.

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