[liberationtech] Act Now to Protect NSF's Behavioral and Social Science Research Program from Cuts

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 12 23:31:03 PDT 2014

From: valerie futch <valerie.futch at gmail.com>

Write Your U.S. Rep. today to Oppose HR 4186 Unless Cuts to NSF's 
Behavioral/Social Research Are Restored

 Take Action 

The House Science, Space and Technology’s Research Subcommittee introduced 
HR 4186 on March 10th, 2014, that would slash authorized funding for social 
and behavioral sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF) down to a 
level not seen since 1999.  Subcommittee Chairman Larry Bucshon (R-IN) 
released the FIRST bill, which would re-authorize NSF programs and set 
allocations, or funding guidelines, for the agency’s topline budget as well 
as its individual Directorates, including the Social, Behavioral & Economic 
Sciences Directorate (SBE), for FY 2014 and 2015.

Currently funded in FY 2014 at approximately $257 million, SBE supports 
fundamental research on human behavior that addresses critical societal 
questions.  President Obama has requested $272 million for SBE in his FY 
2015 proposed budget, a 6% increase over its current level.

The FIRST bill sets funding levels for both FY 2014 and 2015 at $150 
million.  This would represent a cut of 42% to SBE in FY 2014 and 45% in FY 

Stand for Science:  Follow @APAScience on Twitter

Tweet this Action Alert:  #VoteNoHR4186
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