[liberationtech] EFF publishes amicus brief in hyperlink case

Kevin M. Gallagher kevin at ageispolis.net
Wed Mar 12 15:54:53 PDT 2014

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published the amicus brief that
they would have filed in Barrett Brown's case, had the prosecutors not
decided to drop 11 of the charges just two days after his defense filed
a motion to dismiss. In it they argue that hyperlinks are protected
speech and the charges had a chilling effect upon journalism.

Other organizations who were planning to sign on to the amicus brief,
written in support of lead counsel Ahmed Ghappour's motion to dismiss
<http://freebarrettbrown.org/files/BB_motiontodismiss2.pdf>, are
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Reporters Without Borders,
Freedom of the Press Foundation, and PEN American Center.

Here's a link to the PDF
And the blog post
by Hanni Fakhoury and Jennifer Lynch.



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