[liberationtech] Tweet-for-the-Squares (of Cairo and Kiev)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Mar 2 16:30:19 PST 2014

PS You may contact Jeff Shank at jvshank1 at aol.com.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> A Message from
> Larry Diamond and Jeff Shank
> This March 2nd, 2014...the Day of the OSCARS...
> Tweet-for-the-Squares (of Cairo and Kiev)
> The Square, about the Egyptian Revolution originating from Tahrir Square,
> inspired and gave moral support to Ukrainians...who screened a dubbed print
> outside in freezing weather in Kiev's Independence Square.  And yet, the
> first Egyptian film to ever be nominated for an Oscar, cannot be legally
> screened in Egypt --the very country whose revolution this film chronicles.
> Learn about the film at the below 3 Links...and then pass these links on to
> friends, family and colleagues by email or Twitter...and take a moment to
> let your  representatives know that you support the Egyptian and Ukrainian
> people in their struggle for Democracy.
> 1.)  The Times-Picayune  (in New Orleans, LA)  REVIEW
> "Oscar-nominated doc a tribute to democracy and those willing to fight for
> it"   by Mike Scott
> http://www.nola.com/movies/index.ssf/2014/02/the_square_movie_review_oscar-.html
> 2.)  The Atlantic  OP-ED
> "The Betrayal of Tahrir Square"  by Larry Diamond & Jeff Shank
> http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/02/the-betrayal-of-tahrir-square/284144/
> 3.)  www.FilmFestivals.com  ARTICLE
> "THE SQUARE...Camelot...and the death of democracy" by Jeff Shank
> http://www.filmfestivals.com/blog/editor/the_squarecamelotand_the_death_of_democracy

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