[liberationtech] when you are using Tor, Twitter will blocked your acc

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Mon Jun 9 01:11:21 PDT 2014

On 6/9/14, Griffin Boyce <griffin at cryptolab.net> wrote:
> Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>> It would be nice if Twitter was a bit more intelligent about Tor
>> usage. I wrote the BulkExitList feature on check.torproject.org for
>> Wikipedia. They ironically use it to block edits from Tor. Twitter
>> could use that export of data or a similar one to have a list of all
>> current (updated per hour with the network consensus) exit nodes and
>> then do something better than Wikipedia.
>    It's a surprising omission, particularly in light of the recent
> high-profile censorship of Twitter and other services enacted in Turkey.
>   It also doesn't seem to be a particularly intelligent algorithm --
> reminds me a bit of banks' standard for "suspicious card use" (where
> "suspicious" simply means that you're traveling a lot).
>    Let's think about this logically.  If someone were to break into my
> account, the first thing that they'd likely want to do is change my
> password.  Why is that the *only option* that Twitter allows when in
> this locked state?!

I agree though I am happy that they don't completely lock out the
account to the point of it being impossible to login at all.

> great, now twitter knows where I live =/

The great irony is that you don't have to stop using Tor to reset the password.

I've also heard that the previous Twitter security team folks on this
list have all probably cashed out and thus retired from Twitter.

All the best,

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