[liberationtech] when you are using Tor, Twitter will blocked your acc

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Sun Jun 8 23:45:37 PDT 2014

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> It would be nice if Twitter was a bit more intelligent about Tor
> usage. I wrote the BulkExitList feature on check.torproject.org for
> Wikipedia. They ironically use it to block edits from Tor. Twitter
> could use that export of data or a similar one to have a list of all
> current (updated per hour with the network consensus) exit nodes and
> then do something better than Wikipedia.

   It's a surprising omission, particularly in light of the recent 
high-profile censorship of Twitter and other services enacted in Turkey. 
  It also doesn't seem to be a particularly intelligent algorithm -- 
reminds me a bit of banks' standard for "suspicious card use" (where 
"suspicious" simply means that you're traveling a lot).

   Let's think about this logically.  If someone were to break into my 
account, the first thing that they'd likely want to do is change my 
password.  Why is that the *only option* that Twitter allows when in 
this locked state?!

great, now twitter knows where I live =/
Griffin Boyce

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