[liberationtech] What is the current accepted view of True Crypt?

Bill Cox waywardgeek at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 18:07:01 PDT 2014

At CipherShed, we are working on a fork of TrueCrypt. I would recommend
continuing to use the current version until the fork is able to release an
On Jul 16, 2014 4:24 PM, "Cypher" <cypher at cpunk.us> wrote:

> On 2014-07-16 15:30, Joe Szilagyi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In light of the recent events with True Crypt and the developers
>> temporarily scuttling the project, what is the view of True Crypt
>> today? Is is still trusted? What versions? Thanks!
> Hi Joe,
> As I understand it, while the decision to shutter the project has come as
> a shock to users and the security community at large, there seems to be no
> reason to question the security of TrueCrypt beyond that which we already
> questioned before the project closed. I would, however, not trust anything
> beyond version 7.1a as that seems to be the final release before 'whatever
> happened' happened. The new release, while probably not compromised either,
> is a little suspect due to the time that it was released.
> I personally am continuing to use TrueCrypt for now. But I'd definitely
> keep an eye on the security world and be prepared to move if anything bad
> were discovered.
> Cypher
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