[liberationtech] What is the current accepted view of True Crypt?

Cypher cypher at cpunk.us
Wed Jul 16 16:24:29 PDT 2014

On 2014-07-16 15:30, Joe Szilagyi wrote:
> Hi,
> In light of the recent events with True Crypt and the developers
> temporarily scuttling the project, what is the view of True Crypt
> today? Is is still trusted? What versions? Thanks!

Hi Joe,

As I understand it, while the decision to shutter the project has come 
as a shock to users and the security community at large, there seems to 
be no reason to question the security of TrueCrypt beyond that which we 
already questioned before the project closed. I would, however, not 
trust anything beyond version 7.1a as that seems to be the final release 
before 'whatever happened' happened. The new release, while probably not 
compromised either, is a little suspect due to the time that it was 

I personally am continuing to use TrueCrypt for now. But I'd definitely 
keep an eye on the security world and be prepared to move if anything 
bad were discovered.


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